A hike

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Back ground: you have been been friends with Gilinsky for a little while low key because you don't want to make things a big deal

You and the boys are hanging out just running around LA

When you and the boys pull up to the park everyone gets out of the car except Gilisnky  leaving the two of you alone

After a couple moments of science jack speaks up and says
"Yeah let's go"
He hops out of the car and goes around to open yours
"You don't have to do that you know "
You say and he replies by saying "but I want to "
Jack is so good to you you low key want to date him but don't want to ruin the friendship you guys have
You and the guys start the hike and things are going well until you trip over a rock and fall to the ground
"Omg ouch"
You yell in pain then the next thing you know jack has you swooped up in his arms and is asking out what hurts
You point to your ankle and try's to get you up and walking but you can't support yours self so jack takes you on his back (piggy back ride? Lmao sorry) and carries you back down to your car he takes you to the hospital to get it checked out and jack is by your side the whole way the doctor told you your ankle is broken and you will need a cast this is the worst news you have gotten because you don't want or be held back
But there isn't much you can do for now. When you get back to the house the boys are all waiting for your return when you walk in they have some food and flowers for you saying get better jack texted them the news  before you got back

Later that night you and jack are sitting around eating pizza and watching a movie the movie is about over when jack says
"Hope your ankle is back to better asap"
"Thanks G" you respond and also say " why are you so helpful and care so much"
" be cause I like you a lot y/n and want you to go on tour with me and Johnson next month"
No way did your best friend just ask you to go on tour!!
He said that things for tour will pick up soon as your ankle is better you are going to be going on tour with your best friend and maybe more  

Ok guys sorry for the horrible story thing and I guess these aren't really
Imagine but like short little stories lol anyways hope you have in a good day

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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