V - "Joking around"

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When he first woke up, Hansol's head was pounding. It was clear he had a strong headache. He couldn't help it, he didn't exactly really treat his head nicely for the last twenty four hours. He had repeatedly banged his head against the wall. Hansol was trying to convince himself that he did not like Seungkwan.

   He said things like; "I'm not into guys." "He's such a diva." "I don't have feelings." "I'm a ducking robot." To be truthful, it didn't exactly work out for Hansol. He sat up straight and forced himself to get out of bed. Today was Tuesday, indicating that he was stuck going to school for another three days. Which means in three days his feelings could become something else. Things happen in three days and it was nerve wrecking for Hansol.

"Fudge, I can't. I just can't right now!" He was frustrated, so he tugged on his hair. He wanted to punch someone. He wanted to smack himself. But strangely more than anything he wanted to see Seungkwan. Just, stare at him and then leave.

   "Darn it, what the heck am I thinking?" He tugged on his hair some more, later on regretting it. He then began rubbing his head, because damn that hurt. He got ready for school, he skipped breakfast, and dropped off his sister at her school. When he turned around to go to his school he saw the person he wanted to see the most but wanted to also wanted to avoid.

   "Hansol? What are you doing here?" The energetic boy ran up to Hansol and flashed him a smile. "Huh? Answer me," Seungkwan placed his hand on Hansol's shoulder. "Um, I came to drop off my little sister, Sophia." Seungkwan nodded, taking the new piece of information in. "Humph, I thought you were an only child." Hansol shook his head and began walking away. Seungkwan caught up and began walking with Hansol to school.

   "What about you, huh? Why are you here?" Hansol was curious too. He thought Seungkwan was an only child too. But now he wasn't so sure. "Oh me? I came to drop something off for my sister. She works here as a permanent substitute teacher." Hansol made an 'o' shape with his face and averted his eyes from Seungkwan.

   They walked in silence for the rest of the trip. Once they got to the school building, Seungkwan waved goodbye and walked away from Hansol, clearly walking to his friends. Hansol on the other hand didn't want to see his friends and instead was looking to clear his mind instead. Deep down, he was very happy. He just walked with Seungkwan, an he would steal some glances at Seungkwan and he truly looked beautiful to Hansol. "Fudge, I think I'm falling in deep."

For the rest of the walk for his destination, he stayed quite, trying to think about music and anything but Seungkwan and his love life. Of course, that only made it worst and made him think even more about his love life. He walked and walked, until he finally reached the school's rooftop. When he finally made it, he just laid there.

"I am so skipping my first class." Hansol really didn't want to like Seungkwan. Even though he supported LGBT people, he got his open minded side from being American. Korean people weren't exactly very open minded on gay love and such. He laid there and thought about everything and every situation possible.

   How maybe they could go through anything. He also thought about how they could just mess up each other's lives. How they would come out of the closet without it being necessary if one of them wouldn't take this seriously. But then he finally thought about it: "Wait, he probably doesn't even like me!" He complained in English, scratching his nose.

He was overthinking everything but then there was that huge chance. Seungkwan most likely didn't even like him and he was over here, stressing over some make belief relationship. Hansol tugged on his hair, mad at himself. He could have taken a nap or something. Heck, he could have done his homework! But no, he had to think about Seungkwan. Again.

   In the lowest tone ever he said, "screw you diva boo." He was frustrated with himself. He didn't want to like him, it just felt too weird. Hansol was pretty sure he was straight. There were times where he even believed that he had no sexual interest at all. Unlike most boys, he never jerked off. No matter how many porns his friends gave him. He's never had a boner. Unless you count the ones that come out of nowhere when puberty first begins. He had a girlfriend once but it was only because she liked him. It was too one-sided so he dumped her in a week. He has never had feelings for anyone. This was a first. A scary first at that.

   The bell had rung signaling the first class was over. In a way he was sort of worried about his class. It was possible that he'd miss a lot in just a class. He then heard footsteps coming up the stairs to the roof. He freaked and rushed up, realizing their was no place to hide. "Fudge," he mumbled, attempting to hide behind his book bag.

   "Hello? Who's up here?" Hansol scrunched his nose up in annoyance. Seriously? Seungkwan just had to wonder up here. "Hansol? Is that you?" Hansol wanted to run for it. Of course, he didn't. He just got up from his hiding position and waved awkwardly. "Yeah, it's me." Seungkwan just nodded and laid down were Hansol previously was.

    "Yah! I was sleeping there! Move!" Seungkwan only shook his head, sticking his tongue like a kid. "Come on," Hansol lightly pushed Seungkwan with his right leg, annoyed with life. "I don't wanna," Seungkwan replied in a childish tone. Hansol now had a very serious expression on his face. "Come on Seung-ah!," before he could finish his sentence, Seungkwan had grabbed him by the legs and pulled him to him. Hansol landed on Seungkwan with a loud thump. Hansol was trying so hard not to panic or blush. When he tried to move. Seungkwan just held on to his hands to pull Hansol to him.

    "Let's have fun," Seungkwan smirked soon after the words left his mouth, and he began leaning in. Soon though, someone came running up and yelled; "Seungkwan!" The voice was recognized as Soonyoung's. "Coming," the jeju boy responded, somewhat pushing Hansol off of him. Hansol just sat there, looking at the ground wondering what the heck Seungkwan was thinking. Truth be told, in the inside Seungkwan wasn't so sure what he was doing either.

    Faintly but surely, Hansol could hear Seungkwan's and Soonyoung's conversation. "What were you two doing anyway?" Soonyoung had asked. "We were just joking around."

All Rights Reserved © 2016 animenbands

(Once again I would like to apologize for the grammatical errors and such!)

Edited September 25th, 2016

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