883 50 4

10isto10: are you doing fine? :(

(username): yeah

10isto10: sorry you had to go through so much this week

10:13 pm

(username): Soonyoung...

(username): let'svenf thoa

(username): *end this

10isto10: end what?

10isto10: world hungwr?

10isto10: *hunger

10isto10: we can't do that

10:16 pm

(username): I'm bsinh seriys

(username): *beinh serios

(username): *being serious

10isto10: about what...

(username) is typing...

(username): I'm tired of this

(username): It has only been a few weeks but

(username): They won't stop,Soonyoung.

10isto10: wbat?

10isto10:are yuo breskund up wjtb me?

10isto10: you cant do thsi

10isto10: (Fuszt Nake) pleasd

10isto10: what'dvthr matter?

10isto10: *what's the

10isto10: is it theb?

10isto10: Please I told you not to worry about them

10isto10: Pleadd

seen 10:34 pm

(username): sorrg

(username): They were righght

(username): You don'g dwservs me

(username): I'm doing this bwcus of yuo Soobyoug...

(username): Fans hate mw and well I cbnt do anthhyng about that

(username): Your carewr woll be crushed bc of mw

(username): and i know how much yoy love dancibg

(username): dammit sorry for my typos..

10isto10 is typing...

10isto10: Well fyck them

10isto10: Idc anymore

10isto10: stay please

10isto10: Don't leave me

10isto10: I love you

11:34 pm

(username): we can still be friends... :)

10isto10: No!

10isto10: It won't make any difderence

10isto10: Tell me you're just fucking mt mind up

10isto10: Like you tell me you don't love me

10isto10: but in reality you really do love me

10isto10: You're just being a little bitch, right?

11:47 pm

(username): Ibwish I was

(username): Sorry to tell you through text

(username): I don't think I'll be able to handle tjis if I told you irl

(username): I do love yoy

(username): but your fans love you more

(username): I'm already content being the fangirl I am.

(username): Goodbye, Hoshi I love you xx

seen 11:57 pm

10isto10: (First Name) nP

10isto10: You're fukibg me up

10isto10: righy?

10isto10: (Firat Namr) Whu arw you beizng like tjis?

10isto10: dont leave me

10isto10: your my everuthing

12:01 am

10isto10: look I'm grammaticalky incorrext

10ist10: Iy's you'r timd to shine

10isto10: babe

10isto10: Jagiya

10isto10: please...

12:10 am


This just took a dark turn #SorryNotSorry

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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/senpaiplss_

Skype: nekiberries

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