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She is staring blankly at the ceiling. An hour has passed since she arrive wanting to sleep and desperately wishing that this is just a dream.
But she is too tired and exhausted. Her head aches thinking what happen to her stumbling into this mess up situation.

She glance at the clock ticking on the wall. It's 11pm. Probably too early for her to be staying on the bed this Friday night.

She is horrible. His face. . .those teary eyes registering in her memory. She wanted to cry again. Those pearl-like glittering against light rolling on his face. She wasn't expecting this.

". . .but why? Did I do something wrong? Do you need more time from me? Chris said with a weary voice.

Those questions keep resounding in my ears like an echo adding to the agony I felt.

He is my best friend, since grades school. Well it wasn't impossible to end up that way because Chris is my father's best friend son.

"Chris, I'm sorry. . ."

". . .I don't understand."

"There is nothing wrong with you. You know that. You are every woman's dream guy." Erica force a smile.

"But not your dream guy. . .Erica, I love you. I can't imagine myself with anyone else. . ." Tears started falling from his eyes.

"Oh please. Don't make this so hard for both of us. I can't make you happy. Isn't that enough? I don't deserve your love Chris and I can't stand being so unfair to you. You are my best friend. The least that I can do. . .is to be. . .honest."

Words are breaking. . .then she let go of the tears she's holding for a while now.

She can't even remember how she got home. But now, she can't help herself from crying again. Emotions seems to be involuntary.

I don't understand. Why am I this miserable? Am I really doing the right thing? But why does it hurt so much? Is it because she's scared losing the loved she's trying to hold for too long or afraid of losing her best friend?

She was in the midst of evaluating herself when she heard heavy footsteps in the staircase followed by her parents voice arguing on something. . .

"I don't understand what's in your daughter's mind. She must be insane!"

He must be angry. Hearing his tone made her whole system weak.

"Arthur please. . .can you let our daughter sleep and we'll be discussing this tomorrow."

I wonder how my mother end up with my father. I would rather choose Chris than be with a dictator like him. Her tears dried out. She prepared herself for the confrontation that soon to happen.

"No! I want to know what exactly happened now! This is outrageous. She is out of control. Erica! Erica! "

His father was now yelling. She is about to out. . .when. .

"Stop! You are treating your children like you own their lives! For Christ sake, Erica is your daughter! She might need you as a father than her Boss now... Can you see yourself now Arthur?What you become? "

It was the first time she heard her mother loud and clear. Fierce at the top of her voice.
This situation tend to destroy her parents' relationship into pieces.

A long quiet pause. . .

She doesn't know what is happening outside her room. She is on the edge of opening the knob when she heard footsteps pacing away from her room.

Deafening silent.

Obviously, her parents don't have the idea that she might be awake. It's after midnight now.

She decided to go back to bed when she heard someone sobbing. . .Her heart soften and breaking listening to her mother. This happened before. But she is too young to remember the details.

She wanted to comfort her at the same time, she felt guilty. She loves her mother more than anyone. Giving her too much pain wounded her. If she has the courage to do this long before, situation might not end this way.

She loves her parents but most of the time his father is consume by his job. Work and expanding business. Seldom is the time when they get together as a family.

Her thoughts was interrupted by a sound of the door closing. The Master's bedroom, she presume.

She was left alone again.

How would she face this? Her father's fury? A lot of questions are playing inside her head but no matter how hard she tried searching for the answers, she come up with nothing.

She has a perfect life. An ideal boyfriend. A well-off family. From the start she understand how busy her parents is. She is far from looking for attention.

Maybe, the real question is what is she looking for? Is searching for happiness worth this mess?

Maybe or maybe not.

She fell asleep crying. . .

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