Hmmmm...New kid

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   Tamara and I walked into class and moved to where our group of friends sat. The teacher walks in with some new kid which I didn't pay attention until I heard girls cooing . "OMG!!! Holy mother of sexiness" I drool." who the hell is he???"I asked Gabbie " looks like we will all see" was her reply...I have never seen a guy so fine .I was never a girl to drool over a guy.
   " Wow bae, it seems you're interested in him" Tamara commented. I watched as this fine ass boy introduced himself to the class before moving over to the seat at the rear of the class. This fine ass Luke nigga was really handsome.
      He kind of looked like a snob, yeah a real snob. He just blew off a girl that walked up to him but serves the girl right ...I still dunno if its compulsory to always flirt with every guy in school. Just before the class ended we were given a history assignment.... like do we look interested in all this ancient stuffs , we should be given interesting assignment like looking up the family background of Nicki Minaj not writing about the first American President. * gggggrrrrrrrhh "Whew the boring class is finally over" I said triumphantly which made my friends laugh.
        I had P.E next so I hurried to the gym only to be hit by some blind dude " hey !! watch it!!" I scream half slapping the guy.  "Ouch !" came a voice I know I have heard somewhere. I looked up and greeted with the prefect blue eyes that had golden sparks and a face sculpted by God himself , his lips were full and looked juicy .. and his complexion was a spotless brown ..I looked back to his eyes and saw them gazing back at me and his lips formed a smirk ...I looked away to avoid any  further embarrassment. "Ehehm, I  need to get up" he smiled and got up then he reached and pulled me up.
     With a smile still plastered on his face he stretched his hand for a handshake and spoke for the first time," Hi I am Luke " , I took his hand and replied " Lisa" . He gave my hand a squeeze and just then I remembered the reason he hit me " Shit... I gotta get to class" he smirked and let go of my hand " OK see you around??" he asked " Definitely "and off I ran . The rest of my day went by slowly and by the time the last bell rung I was exhausted . I said bye to my friends , got into my car and zoomed off

    Short chapter but I hope u enjoyed it please don't be a silent reader ....comment and vote ...luv y'all

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