Chapter 2

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Keika, Syr and Alexander were up early the next morning. She was dressed in a standard gray summer uniform and cap for the entrance into the city. They were close to being ready to hit the road by the time Captain Sheridan and his men finally rolled out of their sacks and greeted the bright new day with bloodshot, bleary eyes and hangovers. Devin said nothing to her, but she saw how he winced every time he moved and breathed. He tried his best to hide it, but she was aware of how painful cracked ribs were.

She was not sorry for her actions of the night before. He deserved what had happened, but she did regret his pain. He clearly felt something for her and hadn't actually been violent, but he had allowed the alcohol to take him over, and she couldn't stand to be pawed by a drunk. She still wondered what he had been talking about. He had said that there was something he needed to tell her about the Prince and she didn't have to marry him if she didn't want, and there was another way out for her? What was all of that about?

As the Mercedians got their act together, Keika, Alexander and Syr got breakfast prepared for everyone. Once it was ready, they all sat down and ate. Not much was said, but they were at least able to get on the road a short time later. They were now only a few hours from their destination.

The territory they had passed though so far seemed to be the same mountainous and heavily forested terrain as in Otania. This rough terrain was largely what had protected, and isolated to some degree, this entire region from dense populations and the development, power needs and industry that had poisoned much of the world and the immense land that had been called America. It felt pretty much like home to Keika. They had traveled through two Mercedian towns and several of their villages and the people seemed relatively happy, well fed and clothed.

A messenger had been sent from Hamilton back to Mercedium the day the agreement had been signed. Word of their coming had clearly been passed along and when they came into view people all along the road ran up to cheer and greet them as the party passed. She and Devin waved, and she blew them kisses, which went over very big. She received several bouquets of flowers as she passed. The Mercedians were now her people, and she was very pleased and impressed with their warm greetings. We will get along just fine, she thought with a smile.

The capital city of Mercedium was nestled deep in the mountains. It had came into view as they moved from the surrounding hills into a small valley. She could see a good sized fortress or castle had been built the top on the hill near the center of the valley. They entered the city by passing over a bridge spanning a small river and through a gate in a very stout and high wooden wall. Bells tolled their arrival, and again they were thronged with mobs of well wishers. Their path was kept clear by a cordon of Mercedian soldiers. Delighted with the greeting, Keika gave them a genuine smile and happily waved back.

Mercedium was nothing like Hamilton. This was a city of the new world. It had been built after the plague years. It had no electric power and, in many ways, was not far removed from a city of the 1800's. She noted that the castle and almost the entire city was constructed of salvaged brick. So much so, that later she often called it 'Bricktown'. But it was kept clean, and orderly and the citizens took pride in their community. Hardened by duty on the road, she knew that doing without electricity would be no problem for her. She was going to like Mercedium....she hoped. The meeting with Prince Reginald was only minutes away and she was feeling quite nervous. Hopefully, he would be a man that she could come to care for, perhaps even love in the end.

Of the many differences that existed between Otania and Mercedia the one she noticed the most was that, unlike at home; there was no dress code here. The people wore what they wanted, within reason of course, and the styles and colors were fascinating to her. Yes, she had watched many movies, TV shows and videos and she was well aware (maybe painfully) of how colorfully people had dressed in the past, but seeing it on a computer monitor or a magazine and seeing it live were two different things. She loved the freedom of personal choice they apparently had. In one of the crates she had brought from home were several Otani shifts, the same beige ones all the women wore. She knew now that those dresses would never see the light of day. The thought made her smile, almost with glee.

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