Chapter 3

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"Come on! Sit down!" You were so exited to tell her. (Or he, I suppose if your best friend is a guy)
"Okay then." She/he seemed to a little nervous, but you weren't too worried about it. You've been in this situation multiple times. Having to explain everything was going to a hell of a doozy. So much had happened.
"Where do I start? It was amazing! First, I went to that ally that happened to be right beside my ex's house, you know, where you told me to you," her/his face went blank. You knew she/he immediately regretted not coming for you. ", but since you never came, I stood there and waited for a good 30 minutes. Then, my ex comes out of his house, taking out his trash, which he should have just thrown himself out because he is trash, anyway, he was going to attack me but this really hot guy, and boy do I mean hot, flipped my ex and saved me from rape! You should have been there." You stopped to catch your breath.
"Damn, Y/N. Seemed like you had more fun than I did." F/N replied to you. Wait. More fun than she/he had? What did she/he mean?
"Hold up, wait a minute. You went somewhere without me? When you were supposed to come pick me up?" You put on your serious face.
"Wait, Y/N, I can expl-"
"Shut up," you yelled, standing up from your couch. ", I was almost taped because of you!" You felt yourself started to sweat from all the anger radiating off of you. The air had changed from curiosity and warm, to hateful and cold.
You knew your friend was like this. It finally came to you. She/he had a hurtful look on their face. Before she/he could say anything, you bolted towards the door, flung it open, and ran down the sidewalk as fast as you could.
Who cares if F/N followed you? It's not like she/he cared for you. Your legs started to hurt when you made it out of town. You where out of breath so you stopped and sat on an abnormally huge rock. You don't see those typically around here.
   "Hey there, human-I-saved-from-her-psychotic-ex. Why are you here?" The sound of that familiar voice made you jump up, quickly turning around. The skeleton.
   "Oh my God. You scared me!" You were taking deep breaths from the sudden acknowledgement.
   "Why are you here?" He repeated his question. You looked up at  him, his face showing no sign of emotion or. . . Anything of that matter.
   "I-I freaked out and ran from my friend."
   "Did she/he chase you?" He scoffed at  your answer.
   "No. But it's only because she/he doesn't care about me. If she/he did, they would have caught up to me by now."
   The skeleton smirked at you. "Well, you could always stay with me and my brother at my house." Your faced brightened with happiness and confusion. He had a brother?

BOI I die. I'm thinking about turning this into a lemon. Just comment "no lemon" if you don't want one, and comment "lemon" if ya' guys do. Think you reader-chans!! - Author-Chan (btw this was an edit because when I put "at" it corrects it to "Aftertale" . . . Shit.)

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