Q and A Responses

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Hello everyone! So, this chapter is going to be dedicated to the Q and A questions from last chapter. I will be writing these from the character's perspective, so if the character doesn't know much about a certain subject, I will keep it that way for plot purposes. Now, let's get started!

1. Ella

@simpletrinity: What is the real identity of Ella and what is her connection with Tom?

Ella: I have thought a lot about what Elder said that night, trying to remember instances where something different happened, something out of the ordinary. Honestly, the only thing I can remember about my early childhood life is not being able to fit in with the other village girls and having a strange obsession with the royal family. Everyone had always said that I looked a lot like the Queen, although I have never seen her in person.

Ella: Tom is...well, he's just a friend. He and I are a bit like brother and sister as I see it, as he introduced me to Auburn and gave me A Guide To All Things Magik. It is quite interesting.

Tom: *enters* Ella? Someone is asking for you.

Ella: Really? Now who could that be? *exits*

Tom: I should make this quick. I -- I have undecided feelings towards Ella. I know I must distance her from myself, otherwise I will not be able to get the task done. However, I feel like her protecter, her guide through this world of dragons and magical creatures. Whatever I feel for her, it is not love.

Ella:*enters* There was no one, Tom.

Tom: Oh, they must have gone. Good bye then. *exits*

2. Elder

@NessaBomb24: Why did she tell Ella that she must find herself? 😯

Elder: Ella is different. She is a lovely young woman, no doubt, however, she is quite unusual for a girl in our village. Delma is known for its brown-haired, brown-eyed, hardworking people. And we supply to the kingdom of Gemma lumber, due to our extensive forests. Most of the village girls, I have noticed, have learned how to chop wood and help around the house by 11 or 12.

Ella, on the other hand, has an eye for nature, loving it instead of destroying it. She also has long red hair and blue eyes. This could mean that she might not be from here, although you must know that from reading the prologue...


Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this Q and A answer session with the characters! I had lots of fun writing it, and I hope I will be able to answer some more questions in the future!

Just a little side note, the next chapter will be coming out soon, so don't worry!

Finally, I'd like to give a shoutout to both @simpletrinity and @NessaBomb24 for asking such wonderful questions!

As always, don't forget to vote and comment any more questions, as I (a.k.a. the characters) will be happy to answer them!

Until next time!


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