Introduction (Chapter Meets Texas AU)

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"I don't want you going anywhere near that bull!" Maya starts. Images are playing on the screen in front of them. It is cool in the tent, the air conditioning is on full blast and it's busy, but it's not packed full. However it doesn't cool Maya's temper.

Lucas scoffs. He's dressed and ready and has been regretting every decision in his life leading up to this moment. "Yeah, that makes two of us." He really doesn't want to do this, but it's too late to back out now.

"I want you to take off that stupid outfit, and I wanna get out of here," Maya is in front of him now, glaring at him.

"Maya-" He tries to glare back but instead his brow furrows. He's confused. He's really confused. He doesn't know what he's done to warrant her anger.

"I saw the bull." She interrupts. He would prefer it if she yelled, she's almost too quiet, and he's not sure if he's more afraid of her or the bull."I don't think the bull knows this is supposed to be fun!"


Maya hopes the panic she is feeling doesn't show as much on her face. Riley is disagreeing with her. Why would she want this? Lucas could get seriously hurt. This wasn't a joke anymore. This was insane? This was a death wish. "Lucas is gonna need a Tombstone. There isn't gonna be any more Lucas!"


"Lucas, look at me. If you do this..." She pauses and shakes her head in disbelief before look up at him. "I will never speak to you again." She says it harsh and seriously. She means it.

"Maya!" Riley exclaims.

Maya turns to face her best friend. "Riley, why are you for this?" How could she let their best friend get hurt? What was she thinking? The bull had been on the screen, they'd both seen it.


"You're not proud of him if he doesn't do this?"


It was odd, Farkle thought. Maya had seemed perfectly content only a few moments before. They'd come to see Lucas become The Master of Tombstone, something they all expected Maya to be amused by; something to tease Lucas with about his Texas adventures. She'd stormed out of the tent. She was angry. She was scared? Farkle had never really been one for sensibility over sense. They were young, feelings were new and none of them understood them. Lucas was next up, he was going to do it, after a lot of support and enthusiasm from Riley. Maya was never going to speak to him again. Something was up, he wasn't sure what but he'd find out. But he'd do it after. Lucas needed them now.

It wasn't the last time he'd seen Maya. On their way out the tent she'd been there, in the distance, not quite watching. Seeing the bull real and in person was even worse. Lucas only had to last four seconds. That was it. Riley was still encouraging him, shouting across the crowd.

He did it.


Riley practically rushes to his aid. He's on the floor. But he did it. And he's okay. Maya still hasn't moved from her spot on the hill. Just sitting there, all blonde hair in the wind and teenage angst. And now he was going to find out. He'd congratulated Lucas and left him with Riley, Zay and Pappy Joe saying something about getting a drink. Maya doesn't acknowledge him as he walks towards her but she looks up as he sits down beside her.

They sit in silence for a while. Maya tries to think of an excuse but her mind comes up blank. She doesn't know why she did it or why she was filled with relief the moment she heard the audience cheer. Farkle isn't quite sure what to ask yet either, but if he just looks at her she'd get mad and she was already bad. Or had been. She didn't look so angry any more, maybe a little betrayed or sad or relieved.

"So... What happened?" Farkle asks, his head nodding towards the tent. He doesn't always expect a responsive if Maya isn't in a good mood. He puts his arm over her shoulders as she shrugs. She doesn't know, not really, and it seems sincere enough for him.

She looks up and quietly mumbles, "I don't know..." her hands are balled into fists at her knees. "Just- he could have gotten hurt. Like really hurt. And Riley was pushing him to do it. I mean we're his friends Farkle we shouldn't encourage him getting hurt." She spills out. She'd been worried about him, that much Farkle could have already guessed.

"But we believe in him right? He can do anything. He did," he responds, rubbing her shoulder.

"That's not what I- yes- but you saw the bull! You saw Eddie Calloway, you saw..." She shakes her head, "That could've been Lucas, Farkle."

He nods, "But it wasn't." He removes his arm from her back. He's not worried she'll hurt him. He knows her too well for that. But she can still get mad. And he doesn't want that. He wants to say something else. How could it have taken him so long to realise. So much for being a genius. She's watching him. It's now or never, "You like Lucas."


"What?" Mya chokes out.

"You like Lucas." He repeats. She stares at him. "You couldn't watch him, because he might've gotten hurt. Because you like him." There's something forming behind Maya's eyes and he can't quite tell what it is.. "You make fun of him. Because you like him."

Maya had been making fun of Lucas since the seventh grade. Looking back, it had been quite a long time. They, Maya and Riley, had met Lucas on the subway the day before school. Maya had seen him first. Riley had seen him and her crush had formed instantly. They hadn't expected to see him again. Farkle hadn't been there, but he'd heard the story. Riley and Maya were his best friends. And now it was Farkle, Mya, Riley, Lucas and Zay. And now it was a lot more complicated.

It remained quiet for a few moments, everything still except for a slight breeze in the heat of the Texas weather. Suddenly Maya stood up, grabbing Farkle by the collar of his shirt to face, though he doesn't flinch.

"You think I like Lucas?" She almost yells. "I- I don't like Lucas! Why would you think that? What would- what would make you say that." She managed to stutter. Farkle remains silent. He knows he's right. He's sure. "Why would I like him? Why? He's a Huckleberry! He's Ranger Rick! He's a Hopalong!" She let's go and pushes him away from her. But she's still looking at him. And she's scared.

"What are you afraid of?" He blurts out without thinking.

"What?" Maya hates it when people try to tell her what she's feeling, but her heart doesn't seem to be into any sardonic comments. Instead she sounds more distant.

"I mean you haven't told Riley, have you? You tell her everything." They both look towards the tent. They can just make out the figures of Zay, Riley and Lucas in the distance. Probably looking for them, Farkle supposed. "Is it because of Riley?" She stares. "Do you think that she'll not like you for liking him?"

"It's like he's her brother. I was her. But it's not." She shakes her head. "She doesn't look at Lucas the same way she looks at Auggie." She sits back down and Farkle follows. "Riley knows her parents met in sixth grade and were in love with their first crushes in the eighth grade. And then they got married. That's what she wants. She has so much hope and I can't take it from her, I can't hurt her, Farkle. She wants the fairy-tale. She wants her Cory and Topanga." She rests her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah. But there can only be one Cory and Topanga."


It was obvious they'd been spotted as the three came towards them. They all looked slightly concerned. Maya lifts her head and Riley sits next to her. "You okay peaches?"

"Yeah Riles, I'm good." She responds managing a small smile.

"Maya?" Lucas says, "What was that? Over there." For a minute she stares up at him. And he's thinking, he's hoping that she'll respond. She doesn't. What she does do is stand up and walk away from him. "Maya!"

They all look at Farkle. Farkle knows things. Farkle can't hide things. Boom boom. Boom boom. Boom boom. Bang. "The truth is that Maya-" A hand slaps across his mouth as he mumbles into it. Maya begins dragging him away to a safe distance. "It's not fair Maya you have to tell them. You tell them or I tell them."

Her other hand reaches his collar and brings them eye to eye. "You tell them and I will kill you, you got it?"

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