Chapter 5: No Longer Alone

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Chapter 5:

Zoey woke to the sound of the nurse saying her name, startled she jumped up onto her feet and looked at the time. She didn’t realize how long she had been asleep. Hours had passed since Nathan had been brought back. “How is he?” The nurse looked at her and said, “He’ll be alright. He’s been asking for you.” She said with a smile before grabbing Zoey’s hand and pulling her through the doors towards where they had taken Nathan. When she got to the door she stopped outside for a second, and then walked into the room. Nathan instantly smiled when he saw her, “I’m sorry… this day didn’t exactly go as planned.” He said in a voice just above a whisper. Zoey shook her head, “How are you? What’d they say? What happened? What took so long?”

“They told me that when I fell, I broke a rib and it ripped a hole in my lung. They had to go in and stitch it closed. I’m all patched up and good now, breathing is only a little difficult but they said that I’ll be as good as new soon enough!” he said enthusiastically, trying to get a smile to appear on her face but it didn’t work. Zoey stared down at her hands. Nathan reached over and grabbed her hand pulling her closer to him until she was sitting beside him on the bed. Zoey looked at him but immediately looked back down. “Zoey? Why won’t you look at me?” Zoey went to talk but closed her mouth before words came out, a single tear rolled down her cheek. Nathan moved his other hand to reach over to wipe the tear away and lift her chin. “Zoey, look at me.” When she met his gaze the flood gates were opened. Tears began streaming one after the other down her face.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” “This… is all my fault…” Zoey said in a hushed voice trying not to stutter through the words. “Don’t you dare blame yourself for this. This is all my doing.” He could tell that no matter what he said she would still believe she caused this. “Sophia.” Her head snapped up. She hasn’t gone by her real name in so long, hearing it for the first time in what seems like forever completely took her by surprise. “You saved my life, without you I wouldn’t have gotten here in time.” her eyes were still wide as he went on, “Please don’t blame yourself for any of this. It’s not like you pushed me off the porch.” He said with a laugh. Zoey’s mouth hinted with a smile and Nathan’s face seemed to light up. “You’re so beautiful when you smile.” Zoey’s cheeks burned as she stared into his deep blue eyes and her lips tugged once more, only this time she could feel the goofy grin that spread across her face. Nathan reached up and placed his hand against the side of her face, Zoey’s body began tilted towards his. Their lips were almost touching when the door opened.

Zoey jumped off the bed but Nathan refused to let go of her hand. His parents and brother walked through the door. “Nathan, sweetheart how are you? We came as fast as we could. Oh, my sweet boy.” Zoey watched as his mother attacked him; it was slightly amusing to watch. His father and brother just stood there. His mother looked up at Zoey, “and who might you be my dear?” she asked. “Zoey Hale. I’m…” she looked at Nathan and back at his mom, “a friend of Nathan’s. I’ll leave you guys alone… bye Nathan.” He shook his head and held his grip around her hand, “please don’t go.” “I don’t want to intrude.” Before Nathan could respond his mother jumped up, “That’s ridiculous sweetie, we’ll leave you two alone. Nathan, are you alright?” he nodded and looked at Zoey. “We’ll come back in the morning.” She leaned down and kissed his cheek. Zoey watched as her mother took the sight of the two of them in, it’s like she had never seen her son with a girl before. His brother walked over to the bed and did a handshake with Nathan, “hey man, I’m glad you’re ok.” “Thanks Cameron, hey dad.” His dad walked over and put his hand on Nathan’s shoulder and said, “feel better kiddo, we’ll be back tomorrow.” Then just as sudden as they entered, they left. Nathan pulled Zoey back down onto the bed. “Soph, I have to be honest with you.” Zoey felt her heart leap for two reasons one, when he said her real name and two, she feared what he was about to say.

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