Chapter 12: Welcome to L.A.

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Chapter 12:

When they got down to the pool Zoey sat down on one of the lounge chairs. Nathan came over and sat down behind her so that he was straddling the chair. “Is there something wrong with the other chair?” Zoey questioned, “Yeah, it’s too far away from you.” “Clingy much?” she said and laughed. “I’m not clingy.” “Well, we all see who the real girl is in this relationship!” “Take that back!” “Make me Mr. Cadwell.” “You asked for it.” In one swift motion Nathan scooped Zoey up in his arms and started walking over to the edge of the pool. “Don’t you dare.” “I told you, you asked for it!” “Nathan Graham Cadwell, put me,” she was cut off when the sudden rush of water enveloped her. Instantly she started swimming away from the side of the pool. ‘He wants to play that way, fine. I’ll show him who’s boss’, she thought to herself. When she came up out of the water she heard a splash behind her where Nathan was. When she felt an arm wrap around her waist she decided to make him suffer for a little bit. Zoey slid out of his grasp and swam away. Nathan got intersected by other people and started to get frustrated as he watched Zoey getting out of the pool, “Zoey, come back here.” She ignored him trying not to smile and break her cover. Before Nathan could even get out of the water Zoey grabbed all of her stuff, threw on her cover up and started walking back into the hotel. “Zoey, wait.” He called after her but received no answer.

Nathan caught the elevator just in time before it closed, Zoey moved to the farthest side away from him when he got in there. He tried to move her chin to face him but she pulled away looking the other direction. “Zoey, I’m sorry. Please talk to me.” She still didn’t reply. “Soph, please just say something. Anything? Look, I really am sorry. I didn’t know you didn’t actually want to go in.” The elevator door opened and Zoey walked out, she heard Nathan mumble “Shit” and started to feel bad for doing this to him. She knew she couldn’t keep this up any longer so when she ran to the room before Nathan turned the corner. She hid beside the bed and waited for him to come in. Nathan opened the door and collapsed on the bed, he assumed Zoey was in the bathroom still avoiding him.

She heard him exhale a long breath and that’s when she pounced. She jumped onto the bed and on top of Nathan so that she was straddling him. “I forgive you.” Nathan’s face relaxed and then turned sad again as he shook his head, “How could you do that to me? You seriously scared the hell out of me Zoey. I didn’t know what to do… Never again!” “Awww, I’m sorry baby.” She said while sticking her bottom lip out to make a pouty face at him. Nathan laughed and reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re adorable!” She leaned down and hovered above him, close enough to kiss him but didn’t. “I…need food!” She jumped off of him and ran into the bathroom, just to tease him. “That was just cruel Zoey!” He heard her laughter in the bathroom and she ran out in just her bathing suit, “I give you permission to kiss me… on the cheek.” “I’ll take what I can get!” He said, and in two strides he crossed the room and bent down to kiss her. Zoey waited until the last second to move her head so that their lips touched instead, “Oops!” She said sarcastically. She kissed him again and disappeared into the bathroom once more. She closed the door and jumped in the shower. When she came out in nothing but a towel Nathan passed her, kissing her forehead before going into the bathroom and turning the shower on again.

Zoey went over to her suitcase and began rummaging through all the new clothes. She finally found a white strapless sundress with mint green wedges. She went over to the mirror to blow dry her hair and do her makeup. When she was finished her hair was left in a natural wavy flow and her makeup was light but stunning. She matched her jewelry with her wedges and looked herself over in the mirror. Feeling satisfied she walked out on the balcony and saw that the sun was beginning to set. She remained hidden and turned to see Nathan walk across the room to his suitcase. Zoey noticed that he was undoing his towel so she squealed and turned away before it fell. Nathan heard her and knew exactly what she had just done and started to laugh. Zoey’s face burned red as she looked out over the water.

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