For Your Information

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"CADMUS?" Dick gave a puzzled look. " Didn't you already bust into that place and get the Superman Clone?"

Kid Flash gave a startled look " Dude, how did you know that?"

Dick rolled his eyes at the stupidly of the question " It is my job to know. I sell information remember? Besides, word travels fast when sidekicks uncover a secret like that." Dick chuckles again

" We are not sidekicks!" Red Arrow snapped at

" Right Right, you started that weird sidekick club for covert missions. I take it this time is one? But if that is the case, why isn't the clone or the Martian here?"

"Martian?" Wally asked, confused. Why would Martian Manhunter take part in their mission, but the smirk on Rat's face made it obvious he knew something they did not.

" Oops, forget I said anything" Dick whistled happily " However you still did not answer my question.What about CADMUS do you want information on?" Dick paused slightly " hold that thought. I forgot to do something " Dick wheeled over to his laptop, typing away.

" Uh, what are you doing?" Kid Flash asked, racing over to get a look, which Rat did not seem to mind that he was glancing over his shoulder.

"Another job. You are not the only ones who come to visit." Dick started typing away on the laptop.

" I take this is not in the legal side of the spectrum " Aqualad noted

" Not this time. One moment, they think that they can regain control of the security systems..hah, bonus I got their files."

Kid Flash gave a questioning look to the other two heroes, unsure if they should do something. Rat was doing something illegal right in front of them without a care in the world.

Aqualad sighed ,shaking his head. They were here to get information, but they could not just disregard the blatant lack of morals Rat had. " My friend–"

"Not your Friend." Rat cut in, still typing away and saving the new files he had stolen.

"Obviously" Red arrow grumbled, wondering why they can't just take Rat down and interrogate him back at the cave. That seemed more reasonable than trying to talk to the sewer dweller.

"Dude, you know what you are doing can hurt people, right?" Kid Flash tried to reason with. Rat was still a kid, maybe they could reason with him.

" Not really a people fan. So I'm okay with that."Dick waved absently, not interested in the attempts at his morals.

"I am sure that your family would not approve of this" Aqualad started but was cut off by the sound of a laptop closing.

" Let me share some information with you." Dick said coolly , his tone causing the team to feel uncomfortable. " Do you think if I actually had a family, I would be living in the sewers? There is no family of turtles living under here, and even though I do enjoy the occasional slice of pizza, sewers are not the best place to raise a family." Dick set his laptop to the side. " You three mean well, and hey, that is your choice to do so. I won't decide your career choice and all. But if you insist on trying to change mine, I suggest you take your overrighteous, and heavy on over, butts out of my home where you can shove your morals on someone else."

" We did not mean offense–"

" Well you did, so why not go back to your perfect life and leave me be."

" Okay that's it!" Red Arrow grabbed Rat by the collar " I don't care what the Bat says. If I want information, you are going to give me it"

" Wow we are going to full Batman Tactics already? I haven't even gotten to my list of sarcastic comebacks yet." Dick grinned , grabbing Red Arrow's arm and twisting it behind him in a painful fashion " A certain merc taught me that one. Information comes in all kinds of forms." Dick teased before letting go. "I decline your request on information, so run along before I force you out. I think there is a shrink ray somewhere in this mess." he kicked a pile of junk nearby whistling cheerily. " Oh and tell Batman if he wants something done right, don't send amateurs."

Hello! Look at this record breaking speed of an update!
-teardrop- oh so beautiful.
This seems to be a somewhat popular I will continue it for the time being.

Thanks for reading!


P.S sorry for the short chapter

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