Cheerleader and the badboy?

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Ellies P.O.V

"kick higher girls!" i yelled at my team.

im Ellie Abens. im 16. everybody says im the prettiest girl in school. i have straight A's and i target at perfection.

i also happen to be the head cheerleader.

"C'mon! ive seen you kick way higher gema!" i scream.

*bell rings*

"ok.girls i expect better tomorrow!" i say.

then they all walk out. i stay after because its football practice and my boyfriend, Seth Anderson, is on the team.

we have been having problems though. everybody is saying he is cheating on me with a jessica girl. i dont know what to do i think i will just have to break up with him today....... its sad.....but i have to do what is best for me.

football practice ends and Seth trys to avoid me but i grab him by the collor of his shirt.

"its over." i say i even said it with out emotion i was proud of myself.

"what?!" he screams.

i turned around and left.

*later that night*

yes perfection. my life is prefect now.

then i got a text from Seths best friend Bryce Houde.

B: will you go out with me?

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