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Ellies P.O.V

i looked at my screen


huddy<3: its over

i cried looking at the screen

Bryce: will u go out with meh?

ellie: fuck that hell nah.

then my phone beeped again it was caiden.

bakerboy: hey will you go out with me rissa dumped me and ive liked you for a while.

ellie: YES!!!!!!!

but what will rissa say?


authors note:

srry i havent updated in a while and yes i did really dump caiden dont say im a bitch or anything i dumped him cause we never talked anymore and i am going to try in real life to get caiden and ellie and yaaaaaaaaaaa but yaaaaaa i have nothing else wait sorry its a short chapter ill update tomorrow my phone is gonna die :(

but still luv yaa!!<3


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