booth - pregnant

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"Remember, you can't tell anyone yet. It's meant to be a surprise." You reminded Seeley once again while adding a new book into your bag in preparation for the job that you love.

"Keep it a secret, got it." He nodded. You noticed him struggling to put on his tie without a mirror so you went to assist him.

"They'll all find out tonight at dinner. I know it'll be hard not to say anything, I'm really excited too." You smiled up at Booth, beaming brightly about everything. Life is so wonderful right now, everything is falling together.

"[y/n], it's such a big thing. I mean, we're having a baby, we're gonna be parents. Can you believe it?!" He exclaimed, his brown eyes on yours. He looked so happy and adorable, you couldn't help but hold his face in your hands and run your thumb over his cheek. You love this man with all of your heart, and now you're going to raise a child with him.

"I can't." You shook your head. "A child, a beautiful home, amazing friends, Seeley Booth as my handsome husband... I can't believe I got this lucky." Your eyes were filled with astonishment and you felt overwhelming joy.

"I love you." Booth leaned in closer to you, his wife, with the biggest smile and kissed your lips sweetly.

When you and Booth arrived at the Jeffersonian, you slid your card to let the two of you onto the platform with all of your friends who were occupied with a body.

"Good morning." You addressed your presence to the team, earning hellos back.

"So what do we got here?" Booth asked, referring to the corpse on the table. He had a pained expression on his face and a scrunched nose. "Why does it smell so bad?"

"Burn victim. Because all of the flesh is melted and scarred it will be hard to get an ID." Cam began her deduction and the rest of the forensics called out facts along with her.

"Female." Dr. Brennan stated and Angela snapped a picture of the body.

Daisy nodded agreeingly, focused on her work. "Her mandible suggests she was in her mid twenties."

"The larva on the victim can give us some evidence." Hodgens excitedly stated, picking through the crawling bugs to put in a jar.

"She's pregnant." Temperance added, squinting down at the decomposing body in deep thought and concentration.

"What?!" Seeley jumped and immediately asked, looking at you protectively.

Your heart sped up and you placed your hand on your stomach, not understanding how she could have even guessed or why she would have said what she did. All kinds of worries ran through your head.

"I mean, she was. The victim was carrying a baby at the time of her death." Bones clarified, furrowing her eyebrows and trying to figure out what just happened. She went back to the body to study it farther.

"Oh," You and Booth sighed in relief at the same second. You awkwardly shoved your hands in your pockets and tried to recover from the near heart attack.

Angela was suspicious. That's what you could tell from the second she eyed you up and down, considering the possibility. You watched as she glanced at Seeley and noticed the way he was acting towards you. You didn't know what to think of that so you just let it go and tried to forget about it.

The entire day you and Booth were nervous and jumpy. It seemed as though the words 'baby' and 'pregnant' were used more often than any other days and you were beyond relieved when dinner time finally came. You were so excited to share with everyone what you've been hiding.

The Royal Diner. It has so many memories, good and bad; with the team, your husband, your best friends, the job that you love. It seemed fitting that this is the place you'd tell your curious coworkers about the pregnancy. You could imagine the way your child would grow to love this place as much as you do, sit in the same seats you've sat in, and that warmed your heart.

While you and Seeley waited for the others to get there - since the two of you were exceptionally early and as ready as ever - you talked about what could happen, the variables.

Quickly your friends arrived. Since we eat here together all of the time, no one suspected anything was going to happen. Except maybe Angela. She could always tell when something was happening, especially to you, her best friend. And you could tell that she knew something from the way she looked at you.

After everyone ordered their food but before it arrived, you started your speech. "Since you all are here, I thought it would be a good time to tell you something." You began, noticing how the team was eagerly waiting for whatever it was.

You looked to Booth and he looked at you. He smiled and nodded in your direction and held your hand under the table, signifying that you were in this together. "We're pregnant!" The two of you exclaimed enthusiastically, watching as the people around the table lit up excitedly.

For a brief minute, everyone was speechless. It was completely quiet except for the gasps, all until Angela screamed: "I KNEW IT!"

The team was laughing now and getting up to hug you and Booth.

"Congratulations you guys, that's great!" Jack Hodgens was smiling, happy for his two friends.

Sweets had wide eyes at what we surprised everyone with. "I guessed this would happen soon! And I'm so happy that it did!"

"He will-" Seeley started to speak but you cut in briefly.

"Or she."

"Or she. Will call you Uncle Sweets." Booth said. "And Auntie Angela, Uncle Jack, Aunt Cam–" He began pointing to everyone and giving them their new title.

And in this moment you knew everything was exactly as it should be. How lucky you are to have these people in your life to share experiences and memories with. It's a beautiful place to have a family in; with such amazing friends as close as they are.

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