Chapter 16

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"It’s a positive I.D," Mike informed Augie. "He’s just taking a few minutes to say goodbye."

"The poor fellow, it must be horrific for him to see her like that. I did the best I could to clean her up for the viewing, Mike," Augie replied.

"I know, you did what you could. I just thank God he has no idea of what’s beneath the sheet!"

Augie sighed and nodded in agreement. "Such violence."

"Listen Augie, have you had a chance to compare the autopsy notes on Tessa Hunt and Kylie-Anne at all?"

"Not at this stage. Why is that? Is there something you need in particular?"

"Well as you can imagine, with there be-ing so many similarities in their murders, we wanna sift through the facts to see if they are definitely linked."

"Of course, sure. The one major difference is that Tessa died from hypoxia, she suffocated to death before she was mutilated. Kylie-Anne died as a result of blunt force trauma to the head. Also, from memory Tessa was mutilated with a serrated instrument, and Kylie-Anne a more sophisticated blade… sharp, defined…"

"A scalpel?"

"That would be a fair assumption, yes. Apart from that, they are almost identical. Tessa’s tox results were all clear for any drugs or inhibitants. I should have Kylie-Anne’s by the end of the day, I am hoping."

"So our perp is making life easier for him-self, upgrading his tools. That scares me Augie, it makes me believe that he…"

"Or she," Augie interrupted. "Remember that there’s been no evidence of sexual assault with either of these girls, so it could be a woman."

"Yeah, you’re right. Well, he or she looks like they may be just getting started.

Why upgrade to better tools if you’re finished kill-ing?"

"Good Lord!" cried Augie, "I hope you’re wrong, Mikey. I really do."

"So do I Augie. So do I."

"Leave it with me though, I’ll go back over the two cases and study the notes carefully, if there’s anything there, forensically speaking, I’ll find it for you." 

"Thanks. We need all the help we can get on this one. And you’ll call me as soon as you have the toxicology results back?"

"Sure thing, as soon as they hit my desk."

Mike patted him on the shoulder and began to walk away when he saw Ed, Augie’s assistant coming his way with a folder under his arm.

"Dr. August, before you go…" Ed raised his voice in order to catch Augie before he ducked back into the viewing suite.

Mike turned and looked at Ed.

"Detective Lynch." Ed greeted Mike pleasantly on his way past.

"How are ya, Ed?" Mike enquired.

Ed didn’t reply, instead he brushed past Mike and stood in front of Augie.

"What is it my boy?" Augie asked him.

"Those tox results you’ve been waiting on have just come in." He handed over the folder from under his arm.

"Aaahh, wonderful. Thank you, Ed," he said. "I see you have already perused them yourself."

Ed looked a little uncomfortable, "Yes, Sir. I took the liberty of making a copy for Detective Lynch since he was scheduled down to be here for the viewing this morning." His eyes cast downward and he looked a little embarrassed. "I’m sorry, Dr. August. I thought I’d save you some time copying and couriering them over later."

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