All Clear

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5 months later

Zayn finally moved in with me a few months ago when my treatment got too much for me to handle and I needed constant care. My mom was unable to get away from work but she occasionally flew out to check on me. When Zayn was busy with his classes or work my cousin would keep an eye on me. Recently I had a good checkup and they pulled back on the intensity of the treatment. Hopefully in a few weeks I could get the all clear and begin getting back to normal. Things were a battle but with Zayn by my side everything seemed easier.

“Babe I’m home.” I heard Zayn call from the front door.

He noticed my position on the couch and collapsed down next to me. He was wearing tight black chinos and a tight red long sleeve shirt clung to his torso. The sleeves were pushed up on his forearms to reveal the ink that stained his skin. I never realized how much I adored Zayn in red. The perfection of his quiff tied the whole gorgeous image of Zayn together. I didn’t even I realize how lost in him I was until I heard Zayn chuckle deeply.

“What?” I asked feeling the blush rise to my cheeks.

“You could take a picture it would last longer.” He said with another chuckle.

His voice complete with his gorgeous accent always sent chills down my spine and fluttered my heart but I couldn’t let him see he had won so I just casually rolled my eyes and redirected my attention elsewhere. I felt rough fingers touch my chin turning my face to stare into is amber eyes. He smirked before he planted a soft kiss to my lips.

“How are you feeling today love?” he questioned as he pulled me in closer.

“I'm starting to feel like I'm getting back to normal.” I answered.

“Oh no we better call the doctor right away!” he exclaimed.

“What why?” I asked wondering if he had even heard what I just said.

“Because you are far from being normal darlin’.” He said with a wink.

Even though most of the time Zayn was serious he could also be quite cheeky. Either way he always put a smile on my face but today I was quite cheeky myself and he wasn’t winning.

“Ha ha Malik very cheeky.” I snipped back.

“Come on babe I know you aren’t normal but I love that about you. You are just Ava and just the girl I love.” He said nearly sounding apologetic as he kissed my nose.

“Look who is talking about not being normal.” I said with a wink.

Just as he placed another kiss on my cheek his phone began to ring. He looked down at the phone and back to me with an apologetic look. I shook my head in permission for him to take the call. He kissed my lips softly one last time before putting the phone to his ear.

“Hello? Oh hi mum. Oh nothing just sitting here with Ava. Yes mum I'm taking good care of her.” He spoke and added a wink before he took his call to the other room.

Only a few minutes passed before Zayn returned to his position on the couch. I heard him sniffle a bit as he tried to wipe his eyes quickly.

“Zayn baby what’s wrong?” I questioned feeling concern well inside my chest.

“Nothing I just miss them so much and mum she loves you so much and she hasn’t even met you so she has no idea how amazing you are. I just can’t wait to finally take you out for our late anniversary and to celebrate you finally making a recovery.” He rambled.

We had decided that we would wait until I got the all clear from my doctors to celebrate our anniversary so we could both enjoy it to the fullest. It was Zayn’s idea and I knew he did it with my best interest in mind just like everything else he did. It seemed like his world revolved around me but my own world was centered around Zayn.

“Ava?” he nearly whispered pulling me from my thoughts.

“Your mom knows about me?” I asked suddenly.

“Of course she does. Of course I would tell my mum about the love of my life.” He said with a small chuckle.

I couldn’t think of any words, my mind went totally blank. His mom was the most important person in his life and knowing she cares for me because Zayn does it truly meant the world to me. This man in front of me meant the world to me.

“I love you Zayn.” I finally spoke causing me to win his attention fully.

“Ava, I love you too. I fall for you a little more every day.” He answered placing a kiss on my nose.

2 Weeks Later

“Are you nervous?” Zayn asked breaking the silence that had fallen over the car.

“Of course I'm nervous.” I answered with a heavy breath.

“It will all be just fine Ave. I promise.” He said taking my hand in his own as we drove to the doctor.

The rest of the ride was silent except for the quiet radio and Zayn humming along beautifully. He was an amazing singer but he never sang in front of me or in front of anyone for that matter. He was shy so if I wanted to hear him properly I would sit outside the bathroom door while he showered. It might sound odd but to me that was the voice that kept me going while I was in my coma.

We sat in the doctor’s office waiting for my results. I’ve never been so nervous in my life but Zayn was right next to me holding my hand. He held my hand through everything and put on a strong face even when I can tell he is just as nervous. Zayn leaned over to me and placed a soft kiss on my cheek just as the door opened. The doctor walked in the room looking at my file. He took a seat on the other side of the room and greeted Zayn and I.

“Well Ms. McCall, I have some news for you and I think you might be quite pleased.” He smiled.

Zayn’s grip on my hand tightened and a smile spread across his face as we both looked at the doctor to continue.

“I'm very pleased with your progress Ava and I'm so happy to finally say that the Leukemia is gone.” He announced.

The tears were already waiting to fall but the good news sent them over the brim. Zayn’s arms wrapped around my shoulders pulling me into his comfort and he kissed my head repeatedly while the doctor explained what would happen next. I would need regular checkups but for now the disease was gone and I could begin to heal. I was lucky. I had fought off something that could have killed me and in the process I gained something that helped me want to live, Zayn. We thanked the doctor and made our way back to our apartment. We cuddled on the couch as we passed on the good news to our families and friends. I was wrapped in Zayn’s arms once more. I felt his chest grumble as he began to speak.

“Well I guess this means that tomorrow we get to finally celebrate.” He said with a huge grin.

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