This is a story about 4 girls who enrolled in a school made for training skilled people for battle.
The school was called: V.W. Training Academy.
The reason women/girls would be training at all, is because of the dark and corrupt creatures that lurk...
Hey guys! Just a quick chappie showing who is who! You don't need to read it, but I suggest you do.
- Otaku~Senpai
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Name: Mikasu
Weapon/Power: Mikasu has a power that very very fewpeople have. Mikasu can harness the power of elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Nature, and two others that she has yet to discover. Mikasu can summon these powers at will, but only one at a time. For example, Mikasu can't levitate a piece of earth, while cutting it with ice she froze from water.
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Name: Keniko
Weapon/Power: Keniko uses dual blades that may turn into any material possible. Of course, the material is Keniko's decision to make. She will change her blades by saying: "Dual blades, I command you to transform!" After saying this, her dual blades will convert into whatever material she is thinking of.
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Name: Yumi/???(You'll find out her other name when you read! ;3)
Weapon/Power: Yumi has a very special gift that not many people have. Her power, is of telekinesis, and telepathy. Her power will allow her to: Communicate with others using her mind, tell what people are thinking (by looking at them), and move objects with her mind.
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Name: Sukiru
Weapon/Power: Sukiru is unlike the others. Her weapons are not ones that would seem threatening at a first impression, which is one reason why they are deadly. Her weapons are large dancing ribbons. One black, one white. These weapons are much like Keniko's, because the ribbons can transform into any material. Sukiru's ribbons will change when she says: "Ribbons of Treachery, I command you to transform!" Her ribbons will then transform into any material. The only difference of Sukiru's weapons and Keniko's, are that no one can see the material underneath, except Sukiru.