Bloody Knife

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"What is this?" Phil asks, making a disgusted face at the object.
I remain in shock.
My jaw drops and my eyes widen.
What does this mean?
It.. It's the same knife.. Is it not?
"Just.. P-put that away.." I stutter.
"Why is it in your room?" He asks, cautiously.
"I.. Uhm.."
"Dan? Wh-" he pauses.
I stare at him in confusion.
"What's wrong, Philly?"
"Dan.. How could you.." He says, his face losing colour.
"What did I do, Phil?"
He suddenly bursts into tears and runs out of the room.
I get up from my hospital bed.
"Phil! Phil!" I say running to the door.
I suddenly trip, falling flat onto the brown, scratchy carpeting.
What? Who's.. What?
I look down at my twisted ankle, standing up, then wobbling to the unknown object.
I look down once again, seeing a corpse.
It has stab wombs in its chest, looks as if it was multiple stabbings of hatred and rage.
Who could have done this?..
Could it have been.. Me?
Is that what Phil was on about?
"Phil!" I shout again, wobbling to the hallway.
"Get away from me.." Phil mumbles, looking down at my gown.
"I-It wasn't me!" I say.
"How could I believe that.." He says, staring once again at my gown.
I look down at my gown.
It's all over me.
There are even tears in my gown.
Perhaps I got into some sort of mishap?
Maybe a fight?
But.. Why blood?
I touch my bloody gown dramatically.
Looking at the remains the blood left on my hand.
Phil growls, suspiciously.
"Ph-Phil.. I-I.. I don't.. I mean I didn't.."
"How could you.." He says, with evil eyes.
"It was a person, Dan! You hurt a person! How could you?" Phil repeats, angry now.
"I swear, Phil.. I don't remember doing anything!" I say, trying to sound as innocent as I can.
"Liar!" Phil yells, looking unconvinced.
He starts walking towards me, the bloody knife still in his hand.
No.. Is he going to-
He then drops it on the ground, in front of my bare feet.
"Explain.. This." He huffs.
"I-I.." I stutter, without explanation.
"You're lucky the nurses didn't see this. But they'll find out." He huffs and stomps to my room.
He then picks up the corpse, giving me complete eye contact.
"I am going to dispose of the carcass. Do something with the knife." He says, dragging the body to my window.
I turn away, picking up the knife, shakily.
I stare at it in confusion.
What happened? I'm sure I had a knife like this in my dream?
Could I.. Sleepwalk or something?
Do I have this demonic form of myself murdering people?
I then look at my friend, jumping from the 1 story window, landing safely feet-first on the pavement.
I then look at his white t-shirt, now with the colour of blood on it.
He pours heavy, thick, gasoline on it, then sets it on fire and watches it burn.
I stare until he puts out the fire, leaving the carcass in ashes.
He kicks the ashes along the pavement, spreading it 'round until it's almost transparent.
I shake my head, I quickly shuffle along the halls, trying to figure out where to dispose of the knife.
I find a plastic bag lying about.
I quickly grab it with my blood stained hands.
I run to my hospital room, putting the knife in the bag.
I throw it out the window and mouth to my friend, "Burn. It."
"It won't burn quick enough." He whispers, rolling his eyes, wandering around trying to find a place of disposal.
I bite my pierced lip, nervously.
I see that he ties the bag tightly, sets fire to it, and throws it to the nearest pond.
"Sorry, duckies! I didn't know where else to turn!" He shouts, sounding guilty.
"I'm sorry, Phil!" I shout back to him.
He still looks angry with me, considering he still believes I'm a murderer.
"How could you?!" He repeats, climbing into the room again.
"I really didn't do it!" I reply innocently.
"Explain this!" He replies, pointing to my bloody form.
"I-I don't know! I was asleep the entire time!" I explain.
He nods, convinced now.
"I believe you.." He says sweetly.
I pause.
"Let's just get out of here, I don't want to get in trouble." I say.
He grabs my hand, leading me to the window.
"Just get out through here. Change first." He says, turning away and covering his eyes.
I take off my blood-stained gown.
I then put on fresh undergarments and jeans.
I put on a black, wrinkled tee and some white vans.
I fix my hair with my hands, licking my fingers and positioning my fringe.
I walk towards Phil.
"PHIL!" I scream playfully, scaring him.
"Ah!" He yelps.
I giggle.
"Dan!" He says, playfully hitting my chest with his fist, considering he's slightly shorter than I am.
I hug him tightly, repeating these words.
"Thank you."
He pauses, accepting the hug.
"I just want to say that I love you so much and I'm so happy to have you in my life.." Phil says, rubbing circles in my back.
I silently sob onto his shoulder.
"So. Are you still thanking me for helping you?" He laughs.
"No. Things like this just helps me realize how lucky I am." I say, my voice croaking.
"Dan. Can we talk about this later..?" Phil says, pointing at a screaming woman, observing the bloody gown on the ground.
I jump in surprise at the screaming woman, shaking.
She shakily says "What have you done??"
We quickly storm out of the window.
Now the lustful thoughts have been removed from our minds.
We quickly run about a mile before getting tired.
We decide maybe we've lost them.
"Dan.. We're hosed.." Phil shakily states.
"No we aren't, Phil." I say with a sarcastic grin.
"How could you say that? You've murdered a person! We're in so much trouble! Don't you know that murdering is a crime?!"
I sigh.
"Look, there's no proof any killing occurred. Just a bloody gown. They may think I had a blood spout or something." I say pridefully.
He sighs, then shakes his head in disappointment.
"I really didn't do it, Phil." I say firmly.
"Yeah.. I believe you. I'm sorry. I'm just stressed." He says,slightly pulling his hair.
He puts his head in his hands, massaging his scalp slightly.
"Dan.. I don't like this. We're going to be in trouble.."
I shake my head, turning away to return to my thoughts.

Then suddenly, the voices return.
Now louder than ever.
Danny.. How could you do that? An evil voice says sarcastically.
I shake my head in frustration.
You know.. It wasn't YOU, it was me.. I did it. I killed him. But to the naked eye, you've done it. You killed the nurse.
I growl quietly.
There's a demon inside of you, Howell. Just let loose.
I scream, "GO AWAY!"
Then the voices vanish, I'm left with the confused face of my friend.
"Dan? Who go away."
I growl, still frustrated.
"Nothing! Just.. Call a taxi.." I say, frustrated.
"Taxi? We're not in New York." He jokes.
"Whatever." I say, burying my face in my hands.
The voices are gone.
But my guilt isn't.
If I did it.. Why can't I remember?
Why are these filthy creatures after me all of the time?
Bloody hell. Make it stop!
I slap myself in the face, causing a worried look from my friend.
"Come on.. The bus is here.." He says, trailing me to the bus while I still look angry.
I sit in the back seat, silent.
I let my punk-emo music envelope my brain.
Until I fall asleep.

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