chapter one

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All I could feel was immense pain. I tried to think why it was so dark until I realized my eyes were closed. But why did it take so long to remember that? The first thing I see is a white ceiling and shuffles of feet. Where are they coming from? I tried to turn my head but another blast of pain came and I groaned. Suddenly the shuffles got quicker and louder and there were more of them. A woman with a clipboard was above me along with a woman, a man, and two children who looked young. But how old am I? Who even am I? I intend to get answers.

"She's awake! Tom it's a miracle!" the woman started crying into the man (who I'm pretty sure is 'Tom')'s shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to remember them. Obiously they knew me.

I heard some beeps and clicks as a womans voice told everyone to clear away until she came into view. The oxygen mask that was on my face was now off it and in the womans hands. Waving a hand in front of my face, she started writing on a clipboard. Am I hurt? That would explain the pain when I tried to move.

"Hello, I'm doctor Whitney Garrison. What is your name?" Dr. Garrison asked me. Who am I? Your guess is as good as mine lady.

"I don't know. Where am I?" I answered back hesitantly. She sighed and nodded.

"You're in Riverbrook Hospital. Do you know why, sweetie?" again I shook my head making a brown lock of hair fall in my face.

"Well, I'll wait until you're recovered more to tell you. Your name is Danicka Catherine Harley. You're eighteen years old."

"Recovered from what? Please tell me!" I pleaded. I don't know why but I don't like to have information withheld from me. She looked at me with those eyes you give your friend when something bad happens.

"If you do well with your tests and the results come positive I'll tell you at the end of the week. Promise." sighing, I nodded.

For the remaining week she did tests that involve shots, check ups, and giving me medicine. The 4 unfamiliar people in the room on the first day I woke up are my family. There was my parents Thomas and Regina Harley, and my twin younger siblings who are 15 Elliot and Allison. My 'grandparents' Edna and Richard Harley came to visit me also. Fianally it was Friday (I woke up on that Sunday) and Dr. Garrison promised to tell me how I got in here in the first place.

"Danicka are you sure you're ready to know?" Dr. Garrison took a seat on the bed by my feet (I had graduated to sitting up!)

"I'm positive!" hurriedly I answered making her smile.

"Well, okay then," I smiled and she chuckled. "About a month ago you and your family had planned on going to the beach and to get there you would travel by airplane. Remember those?" I nodded, remembering her lessons with me.

"The pilot then lost control of the plane making it crash on a nearby field in Pennsylvania. You got crushed under the roof of the plane when it hit the ground making you unconsious. Then on Sunday, you woke up with a broken kneecap, cracked ribs, and amnesia." she paused letting me take this all in. I was in a plane crash? And I survived? Lucky me, except for the amnesia.

"So that's why I don't remember most things?"

"Sadly yes. Your ribs have almost healed and the only thing you have left in here is physical therepy. You're lucky to be here right now, sunshine. Your therepy will start tomorrow so I suggest you get some rest Danicka." with that note she left the room and turned off the lights as I settled in the bed for sleep. When will I remember things? What have I forgotten? Do I have a best friend? Where am I from? Will I ever remember? My eyes fluttered shut and darkness overcame me.


Sophie Cookson as Danicka Harley

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        -Samantha Marie

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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