Chapter 14 : Misunderstanding

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Your Pov

Hmm... maybe I could make dinner to make it up to him for that terrible prank. You grabbed a knife off the counter.

"Hey Sans, I am going to..." you got cut of by Sans turning around and asking:

"Hm?" He saw you holding the knife and flinched. His eye turned blue with a hint of yellow and he looks angry. You drop the knife on the floor and sprint into the living room, because that is where everyone is while you and Sans were in the kitchen. You find Toriel and hid behind her and the sofa she was sitting on.

"Y/n is something wrong?" Toriel asks. At this point you were crying because Sans was most likely to try to kill you again, and your whole body was still sore from the last incident. You were trembling terribly. Sans enters the room with his Gaster Blasters following him closely. He still looks angry.

"Y/n... I TRUSTED YOU! YOU TRAITOR!" You picked up a blanket on the floor near the couch and cowered under it, like it was a wall that would protect you from him


"Sans! What is the meaning of this?!" You realized your mistake, he thought you were going to hurt him because you had a knife.

"She was going to kill us all! Now everyone get away from her!" Your heart turned blue as you were lifted up in the air by Sans' blue mist.

"Please Sans, let me explain! I wasn't going to hurt anyone!" You said as tears streamed down your face.

"LIAR! I SAW THE KNIFE IN YOUR HAND! YOU WERE GOING TO MURDER EVERYONE!"  He didn't give you any time to respond, for you were flung to the ceiling. You could feel  and hear the bones being crushed from inside of you. You let out a shriek as come in contact with the floor. He let gravity take over there.

"Sans... I was only going to cook dinner, to make up that horrible prank" you managed to choke out before everything went black.

Sans Pov

"Sans..." She said as a look of pity crossed her eyes, as if she knew what would happen next," I was only going to cook dinner, to make up that horrible prank" Her body went limb and she looked as if she was barely breathing. Everyone ran over to her to see if she was still alive. They were all crying, even Undyne. Y/n and her developed a strong relationship form the time they met a few days ago.

"Sans...why?!" Undyne screeched as she summoned her spear and pointed it at my chest.


"TELL ME!" She screamed.

"She had a knife..."

"TO COOK! SHE WANTED TO COOK FOR US!" I looked at y/n, she was bloody and had bones sticking out of her body. "LOOK... LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE SANS! SHE WILL WANT TO GO BACK TO HER FAMILY ABOVE GROUND NOW..." Everyone snapped their attention to Undyne when she said that. "She will never want to see us again..." Undyne said as she burst into tears. Toriel was now walking over to me.

"Look at all the pain you have caused Sans..." I looked at everyone, they were all crying, even Papyrus. "If she wanted us dead, we would already be dead, she is a very strong being, and now even stronger with her magic now... you are forbidden to see her ever again" I all of a sudden felt very defensive for my actions.

"Toriel, it was just a mistake!"

"YOU ALMOST KILLED HER FOR THE SECOND TIME THIS WEEK!" Toriel screamed, this was the most mad you have ever seen her, and she was right, I would have killed her if she hadn't said anything.

"..." I teleported home to my room. I was disgusted with myself. I had almost killed her the first time and she forgave me for wanting to protect Papyrus, but a second time in the same week, this was unforgivable, and now I cant even see her now to say I'm sorry.

Hey guys sorry for this chapter, I felt like it needed more action. So anyway guys the next chapter will come out sometime this week still, so yeah, that's it.


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