Baby Stay With Me...

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Hey guys sorry for the extremely long wait....I really had no clue how to continue this story .... but I finally figured it out! I'm not guaranteeing this chapters perfect cause chances are it's not but just give it a read and let me know what you think :)... enjoy
*last time*
"Who did it"? i roared as I paced around the room. Everyone was silent no one moved, not a breath was heard. Unexpectedly I looked at Shaker,who just happened to be shivering and shaking. I tore him off of Jack's shoulders, who came after me . "It was you wasn't it you little shit"! I hollered, completely losing my cool and possibly my grip on reality. I raised my hand to slap him, just as I felt something slam into me and knock me onto the cold splintery floor.

"Stop"! Shrieked a feminine voice that held power and dignity. I froze ,no, it couldn't be, I looked up to see her, staring down at me. Her lip quivered,she looked absolutely terrified. But, she didn't leave like everyone else, she glared at me standing her ground and exclaimed. "It was me"...

*No Ones Pov*
As soon as the girl uttered those words from her mouth she closed her eyes, excepting to be hit , when she wasn't, she opened her eyes slowly, surprised. She saw the boy with blonde tints in his hair smiling at her sadly,the bottle slowly, but surely, dropped from his hands and hit the floor, shattering into millions of pieces. "You think I'm a monster". He whispered, his smile becoming watery as the tears came fast and began to pour out of his grayish blue eyes.

Silence, that's what was resounding throughout the boarding house, pure, terrified, silence. The boys where astounded, never in a million years had they expected Spot to cry. He was one of those cold, tough characters, unemotional. No matter what happened he was always stoic and composed. But, now he was bawling, tears sloshed against the dirt clad floor.

The boy went to sit on the creaky stairs, eyes red, hair disheveled, his face unrecognizable. The coldness displayed on his face before was replaced by a heartbroken look etched into his fragile features. Sitting on the stairs, the boy felt his whole world crash and burn right in front of his weary eyes. He buried his face in his hands wishing to stay there for eternity to avoid the pain.

Evelyn watched him, struck with grief, he was a ghost of the boy he used to be. His smiles were turned to tears, his slingshots were turned to liquor, his kindness was turned to anger and beatings, he was a completely different person. But, despite all of this, she wasn't scared of him. Putting a pale hand up to her face, she felt the hot tears begin to spill out of her cerulean eyes.

A soft tap was heard throughout the drafty building as the girl took a step advancing closer to the boy. He looked up, his face contorted with grief and devastation, his face was tear stained. "No Get Away From Me"! He yelled, looking straight at the girl while the tears slowly dripped out of his clear blue eyes. The girl's expression softened, she took another step towards the leader of this establishment. Before he could say a single syllable, she lunged at him, swinging her arms around his neck, enveloping him in a hug. His eyes widened, a couple of tears making there way out of his huge eyes. "I'm not afraid of you". She repeated, now sobbing clinging onto the boy as if he were her life line. He looked astounded down at the girl who had her arms tightly around him. What had he done to himself? When he realized what he had essentially become, the tears began to drip faster down his pale cheeks. He didn't want her to be mixed up in this, he needed to stop this. So, he did the only thing that he thought would help.

"Get off of me, you mad woman"! He replied, flinging her off of him. She landed on the floor with a thud causing an uproar. "You bastard"! Yelled Cowboy, who was known to be tempered easily. "What the hell have you become"? Jack picked up the girl who's face was tear stained. An angry red mark was slashed across her face, from the impact of the floor. Jack looked at her concerned, he was seething with anger and clutched Evelyn closer, as if she would disappear into thin air.

Evelyn knew of Jack's ferocious temper and acted quickly. She put her long, slender hands on either side of his face, pulling it closer to hers. "I'm okay, alright"? She asked studying the changing expressions on his face. Blue eyes met hazel pools and the boys face began becoming pink and flustered. "Alright". He whispered thoughtfully staring into her eyes, his twinkling like a million stars. She let go of his face, sighed, and massaged her temples, it was going to be a long day.

Fuming, Evelyn marched her way over to Spot, and pulled him up by one ear. "OWWW, WHAT WAS THAT FOR"? Howled the unexpected boy who had been watching the couple, brooding on the stairs. "For being you"! She yelled straight back at him. He was taken aback by this proclamation, no one, ever,  questioned his authority. But, when realizing who he was talking to, he smirked, a trait that was now seen on rare occasions. "And I know what your doing". She said, staring angrily into his light blue eyes. Her eyes narrowed as she began to explain her reasoning. "Your trying to drive me away, because your afraid of what you can do". She whispered the last part, almost mournfully, but, then continued in a demanding tone. "But, you can't drive me away, I know you Spot, I know your quirks and what makes you tick". She smirked as she saw a furious expression take over his features. "Aww is little spotty boy mad"? She cooed ruffling his hair, he jumped back from her. "I am not mad"! He exclaimed fuming and trying desperately to mat down his unruly hair.

"Well let's go"! Exclaimed Jack, haughtily grabbing Evelyn's arm. Any bystander could tell that he was irrevocably jealous. "Where"? She asked scrutinizingly staring at him. "Well, of course, to Manhattan, where else"? He asked moving his face closer to hers, and taking both of his hands in her. She blushed at this action, light pink blush spreading rapidly across her delicate face. The boys watched assessing each detail of the scene, snickering at Jack's lovesick puppy look and Spot's sneer, shooting seething looks at Jack-looks that could kill.

The boys could tell, the spark had been ignited, and their old leader was returning back to them. Everyone breathed a sharp breath of relief, some boys even slumped back onto the comfy, plush couch. Especially Shaker, who felt relief to have the old Spot back, that played and joked with him, not the cold blooded leader that beat him.

"Fine". Replied Spot curtly looking down onto his shoes, truth be told, he didn't want her to leave, ever. "Oh don't be such a child"! She exclaimed, holding out a hand for Spot. This action earned a lot of glares from the many children in the room. "Come with us"! She exclaimed earnestly. "Buttt". Stuttered out Spot. "Only for about a day or two, then you can come back here, to your boys"! She gestured to the many smiling faces, shining with relief and happiness, expressions that hadn't been seen for long. Spot motioned for Shaker to come, lifted him up, and exclaimed. "Only if this little buddy can come"! "Sure"! Said Jack, swinging the little boy up into his arms, which earned a glare from Spot. As they departed, they were escorted by many waves and for once, Spot Conlon, felt wanted, and loved.
so what do you think?? I seriously worked super hard on this chapter so I do expect some form of acknowledgment. A favorite a comment?? ANYTHING

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