Chapter 3

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Kaidence's P.O.V

We finally get to present our projects. I woke up before my alarm because I was so nervous. I got ready and went downstairs. "Hey" I said to Dj. He looked up from his phone at me. We hadn't really talked since the car ride earlier this week. "Hey" he gave me a small smile. "Are we good?" I bit my lip hoping he'd say yes. "We're good" he looked back down at his phone. I smiled and grabbed a bowl. "Good morning sweets" Amina kissed my cheek. "Good morning" I sat down with my cereal. "You excited for your presentation?" she asked me. "Yeah I think it'll be good" I answered. "Good Dj has practice so you'll have to walk home" she reminded me. I nodded. Dj and I finished breakfast before we headed to the door. "Bye Amina" I waved. "Bye honey" her smile reached ear to ear.

We got to school and I grabbed my bag. "I'll see you later" I called to Dj before I headed towards the building. I got to my locker and started changing out my books. "Hey" I looked down the hallway at Chresanto. "Hey" I smiled. "Listen to this" he put his AirPod in my ear. I nodded my head to the beat. "I like it" I grabbed his phone to see the name. "Send it to me?" I handed his AirPod back. "I got you" I closed my locker and started heading to class. "You ready for this presentation?" he asked walking with me. "As ready as I can be" I muttered.

"So we have a three day weekend" Chres said. "Okay?" I gave him a duh facial expression. "You got anything planned?" he sat down next to my desk. "Not that I know of why?" he shook his head. "Just wondering" the bell rang before I could respond. Mr. Andre walked in and we got started on presentations. 

School went on as a blur. Just a bunch of boring assignments. I grabbed my lunch tray and went to sit with Chresanto outside. "Is this seat taken?" he looked up at me. "Now it is" he smiled. I took a seat across from him. "Where's everyone else?" I asked. "Probably running late" he stole a strawberry from my tray. "Uh excuse me!" I raised my brows. "What" he chuckled. "Don't take food from my plate!" I warned. "Or what" he taunted me. "I'll have to beat you up" I gave him a knowing look. He burst into laughter making the kids next to us look. "Whew you had me in the first half I'm not going to lie" he wiped the tears out of his eyes. "I'm happy I can be amusing" I rolled my eyes. "Here" he put his fruit on my tray. Jacob and Craig came to the table finally. 
"Where's the girls?" Craig asked. "I don't know I don't keep track of them" I rolled my eyes.

I ended up hanging out with them for lunch Infiniti and Ariel eventually joined us. Afterschool I walked home with Infiniti. "Wait up" I looked back and Chres and Jacob ran to us. "You going home?" Chres asked. I nodded and continued walking. Jacob and Infiniti started talking about who knows what. "Is it alright if we come over and chill with y'all?" Chres asked. "Uh not a good idea parentals will be at home" I lied. "Oh okay next time" he said. He stopped walking with me and waited for Jacob to catch up. " Infiniti are you coming over?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah can they come chill too?" she asked. "My parents are home" she looked at the driveway. "I don't see their cars" Chresanto looked at the driveway. Shit I had to come up with a quick lie. "They'll be home soon" I quickly said. She made a 'oh' face. "We we'll see you two later" she hugged both of them. "Bye guys" I walked up the stairs. 

Once we got inside Infiniti turned to me. "Now why'd you lie your parents don't get off work til seven" she crossed her arms. "Chres is too into me" I answered truthfully. "So he's attractive!" she exclaimed. "I don't want to date him though" I looked down. "Maybe you should give him a chance before you shut him out" Infiniti walked upstairs. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes. We hung out for a bit then she went home. It was twelve a.m. before I went to be.


 I barely turned off the shower when I heard a knock at the front door.
'Who the heck is here right now' I mumbled wrapping a towel around my body and hair.
"Who is it?" I called from the bottom step. I walked up to look out the peep hole. "Who is it?" whoever was at the door covered the peephole. I swung the door open and Chres stood there. Once he took in my appearance he smirked. " Why are you at my house right now?" I demanded. "Get dressed" he barged in. "Uh for what?" I crossed my arms. "Just get dressed it's a surprise" he proceeded to walk upstairs. I followed behind.

I threw on some black biker shorts and a cropped white muscle tee. Dj let me borrow his letterman jacket so I put it over my shirt. I threw on my black birks and walked out into my bedroom. I left my hair in its natural curly state since there was no time to straighten it."That was quick" Chres said facing me. "Yeah now what are we doing?" I asked. He smiled and walked out the room. I tried to match what he was wearing although he actually owned his own letterman. "Let's go" he called out from the hall. I grabbed my black fanny and threw it over my should before following him out. 

I locked the door and followed him to his car. He has a blacked out challenger. "You drive?" he laughed. "No need to look so surprised" he laughed. He opened the passenger door for me."Why do you walk to school then?" I got into the passenger seat and he closed the door. I watched him jog to the other side. "I like to get that minor workout in" he answered. The engine roared to life. He backed up and we drove off. "So where are we going?" I hoped he'd tell me. "I'm not telling" I could see the smirk on his lips. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. 

We pulled up to a studio. "Where are we?" I asked. "Come on" Chres got out the car and came to open my door again. We walked inside and there were a few games around the boarder of the room. "Teenaged game day" he smiled. "Oh I'm going to kick your ass in Dance Central" I ran over to the Xbox. We played a few games before we sprawled out on the floor.

The song changed to 'At your Best' by Aaliyah. "I love this song!" I exclaimed. Chres stood up. "Dance with me" he held his hand out to me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he snaked his arms around my waist. We danced really close. He spun me around and I leaned against him. We swayed to the beat of the song. "Thank you" I said leaning my head onto his shoulder. He kissed the side of my face. I turned back to him. He cupped my face in his hands and placed a small peck on my lips. I turned my back to him again, this time he planted a short kiss on my shoulder. "Let's go eat" he said in my ear. "I thought you'd never mention it" we both started laughing. "What do you want to eat?" he asked. "Wings" I licked my lips and rubbed my hands together. He laughed before grabbing his jacket. "Is it cool if the guys come with us?" he asked.

'Seriously' I rolled my eyes in my mind. "Who?" I tried to keep the upset tone out of my voice. "Craig and Jacob for sure possibly Rayan" he answered. "Sure I'll ask Infiniti and Kierra" he made a face. "What about Rayan he won't have no one" I took a deep breath. "I'll see if Ariel wants to come" I shrugged. We headed to Wing Bistro which is my favorite spot. Everyone arrived a few minutes after we did. "Let's order" Rayan said waving over the waiter. We hung out laughed and talked then we all headed home. "I'll drive you" Chresanto said. I nodded hugging Infiniti. "I'll see you at my house cousin" I called to her. She waved before getting in the car with Jacob.


"Home sweet home" Chresanto parked his car. "Sorry about inviting the guys tonight" he grabbed my hand. I looked from the window to him. "It's okay I had fun" I gave him a small smile. He leaned over and kissed me again. He got out and came to open my door. "I'll see you at school" he smiled. I nodded before turning around. "Kaiden" he called. I looked back at him. "Would you want to see a movie?" he asked.

"Sure" I smiled before opening the door. "Goodnight" he called. "Goodnight" I closed the door and stood behind it. I couldn't hide my smile. I liked Chres but it's only been a month. I don't want to rush anything with him. There was a knock on the door. I opened it expecting to see Chres but Infiniti stood there. "Hey!" I pulled her inside. "Hey" she sounded amused. We walked upstairs to my room. I closed the door and turned towards her.

"We've gotta talk" I smiled.   

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