The wild goose chase pt.2

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Tentens p.o.v
As me and the girls finally rested from searching for a pair of Akatsuki members all day we all Rested in this forest we all huffed & puffed then Sakura said that was harder than I expected then Ino nodded and said yea,o thought we were going to run into them are something,but I guess we were hinata said well,maybe we should rest for today for tomorrow besides "early to bed makes an man Wealthy & wise" all the girls giggles at hinata's comment including me we all put up camp and got ready to go to bed as we all got in the tint Sakura said hey,girls do you think we will get stronger?all the girls nodded yea and said in sync we will get stronger! Sakura smiled and said yea your right girls we will get stronger and with that we all fell into deep slumber.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chappie!

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