Chapter 1

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I rolled my eyes in annoyance when i heard the familiar camera flash go off as i walked out the hotel building.

"Kaylee! Over here!"

"Kaylee! How do you feel about the hate you get everyday?"

"Kaylee Martin, is it true you hooked up with Dylan O'Brien?"

"Kaylee, do you think Larry is real?"

"Smile for the camera Love!"


I ignored their questions that were thrown at me and quickly walked towards my car. I pressed on the gas pedal knowing that i'm 15 minutes late to an important meeting.

"Kiss me hard before you go, summertime sadness." I sanged softly along with my phone, without looking at the caller I.D. I answered it, placing it between my chin and shoulder.


"How's my baby girl?" I heard Harry's raspy morning voice cooed.

I let out a deep sigh. "Good. Babe, I'm late for work and i'm stuck in traffic and-"

"Calm down baby girl. Your boss won't throw a fit. It's your time doing something like this. I'm pretty sure he'll go easy. I promise." Harry reassured.

"I'm just scared. What if he changes his mind?" I responded.

"Don't doubt yourself Kaylee. You'll do fine. Call me when the meeting is done. I love you."

"Ok. I love you."

Harry and I met 7 months ago at a small coffee shop in Paris. I was struggling trying to open the door, I pulled instead of push. Don't ask me why. Honestly, i didn't see the sign above the door. Like, really? Who looks above the door? Anyways, as i was struggling someone asked if i needed help.


"Do you need any help? I can tell you're struggling and there's a line behind you." I heard someone say.

I turned around and sure enough there was a line behind me. "Oh." I replied looking down in embarrassment. The stranger pushed the door open letting everyone through. "Thank you." I said walking out.

"Wait! What's your name love?"

I looked at him weirdly before replying. "Kaylee. Kaylee Martin."

"I'm Harry. Harry Styles." He replied smiling, letting the dimple on his left cheek show.

Flashback Ends

He asked me out on a date that night. We kissed. But agreed to stay as "just friends". Time passes.Feelings Formed. Jealously came. Truth came out and VOILA! We're dating.

I'd say out of Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor, I am getting the most hate. Not even one person on twitter or other social websites have said one nice thing about me. The only person who helps me through this is my best friend, Kylie. El, Perri and Dani helps out too but they're busy with their jobs.

I lazily unbuckled my seat belt, grabbed my bag and headed straight for the main entrance of the building.

"You must be Kaylee Martin!" A lady in a business suit said walking towards my direction.

I nodded. "That's me!"

"I love you sweater choice. Oh and I'm Rachel Barns. My sister is the 'famous' model, Leah Barns. You've probably heard of her. Am i right?" She introduced.

"Thank you and yes i do know Leah Barns. She's one of my role models. I love her. I didn't know she has a sister. You're gorgeous!" I replied smiling.

"Thank you. Anyways, you're late. Make up an excuse to why you're late. Excuses only work every other two months so it would look less obvious to why you're always late. This is your first day so i'm pretty sure he will let you slide." Rachel informed leading me through a crowd. "The meeting is on the 27th floor. I think Ryan, your soon-to-be co worker, will guide you through the rules after the meeting. See ya' Kaylee!"

"See you later, Rachel!" I called out as the elevator door closed.


I walked out the elevator and ... hold up. Rachel never told me exactly where the meeting would be. Oh my god, i am definitely late. My boss will change his mind─

"You look like a lost puppy." A voice said from behind making me jump a little. I turned around and became face-to-face with a guy. He looked around early 20's. Maybe 21-ish. "I'm Ryan Stones by the way."

"Kaylee Martin. It's nice to meet you." I said shaking his hand firmly. "Sorry to bother, but do you know anything about a meeting?"

"Oh, uhm, a meeting is a place where a group of─"

"I know already know the definition of meeting, Ryan. I meant, do you happen to know if there's any meeting that is suppose to be going on around here?" I giggled as I cut him off.

"Oh. Yeah, right this way." He replied laughing. We walked down a few corridors before coming to a stop in front of a door.

"I love your sweater. It's actually true." Ryan said.

"Thank you." I replied before opening the door.

"Ahh, Miss Martin! You finally made it! I was worried sick, darling!"

"I was actually stuck in traffic and then i was somewhat attacked by paparrazi's and then─"

"I understand Miss Martin. Come have a seat. We were actually just getting started because Tyler over there spilled some coffee. I'm your boss, Steven Parker, by the way." He said with a warm smile.

"Ok. Let's get started. Kaylee and Amber will start their modeling gig two weeks from now. Photo shoot for Teen Vogue starts tomorrow at 2 o'clock sharp. Got it?" Steven said sharply. Amber and I nodded. "After the modeling gig, Tyler, Kaylee, Amber and Austin will have a bikini photo shoot for H&M. I guess this is it. Enjoy the rest of you day."

Everyone grabbed their stuff and filed out the room. "Kaylee, may i speak to you. Privately?"

"Uhm, sure." I turned around and sat back down.

"I know you are in a relationship with Harry Styles and there's paparrazi's always attacking you but i want you to take this modeling job seriously. I can't have you coming in late everyday like today. Just please try your best to avoid the camera's. Please?" Steven pleaded.

"I understand. But, if i do come in late you HAVE to understand that paparrazi's were going crazy." He nodded understandingly.

"See you tomorrow, Steven!"

"You too, Kaylee!"


"Babe, i'm home!" Harry called out.

"In the kitchen!" I called back.

"There's my baby girl. How was the meeting? You never called me." Harry said pouting.

"Sorry, i had lunch with the crew and i guess i got caught up in the moment. Sorry babe." I apologized kissing his forehead.

"Apology will not be accept until you give me a kiss."

I smiled at him and pecked his lips. "No. A proper kiss." He replied before grabbing my waist and pulling me in for a "proper kiss".

"That's more like it." He whispered once my lips left his.

"Watch a movie with me?" I asked batting my eye lashes.

He groaned. "Fine."

I smirked and kissed his nose. "That's more like it."

"Deja Vu."

"Oh shut up." I laughed grabbing his hand pulling him toward the living room.

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