Chapter 1

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"Who's that?" I ask my friends while walking across the school parking lot.

"That's Riley McDonough, he's the new kid. Isn't he cute?" My friend Hayden asks. I look over at him, and he looks back at me and waves. I quickly look away. I don't usually talk to the new kids.

"His smile is so dreamy." My other friend Macy says.

"Shut up guys!" I yell at them. "Don't look at him, I don't want him walking over here." We continue walking into the school. We go to our lockers and get our books for first period. I have math, but my friends don't. I tell my friends i'll see them at lunch, and head to the math room. I go take my seat at the back of the classroom. I get my notebook out and start doodling while I wait for the bell to ring. I see someone sit down next to me out of the corner of my eye. When I look up, I see it's the new kid. I whisper 'shit' under my breath. I look back down at my notebook and act like I don't know he's there. 

"Hey i'm Riley." I hear him say. I just ignore him and continue drawing. I hear the bell ring signalling the beginning of class. I close my notebook and look up at the front of the classroom."What were you drawing?" I hear Riley ask me. Holy shit, this kid is relentless. I hear the teacher start talking, so I block him out. 

"Hello everyone! First of all, I would like to introduce our new student Riley McDonough, he is sitting next to Ms. Weaver. Next, you guys will be doing partner work today on a packet. Now don't start looking around at the person you want to be partners with, because you will be partners with the person sitting next to you." The teacher says, while handing the packets out. Are you kidding me? I'm trying to avoid this kid, and now the teacher is pairing us up. Well, I better make the best of it. 

"Well it looks like we will be partners." Riley says.

"Way to state the obvious." I say, treating him like he's stupid.

"Alright, well I see how it is. What's your name?" He asks.

"Alison." I say starting my packet. I may be the most popular girl in school, but I am also top of my class. I don't have time to deal with new kids like this, they annoy me. I'll introduce myself a little better, my name is Alison Weaver, but my friends and boyfriend call me Ali. I'm 17. My boyfriend, Logan, is the quarterback of the football team, and also the captain. I live in Miami, Florida. My best friends names are Hayden and Macy. My family is rich. My dad is a doctor, and my mom is a veterinarian. Well, that's all I think you need to know at the moment. I hear Riley talking again, but ignore him. But he doesn't give up, he keeps repeating himself like a broken freakin record.

"Do you ever shut up?" I snap at him. He looks hurt, and I start to feel bad, but then I remember he's a new kid and I never feel bad for the new kids.

"Sorry for trying to just make a friend  or something." He says in a hurt tone, looking down at his paper. Do I feel a fluttery feeling in my chest. I never feel this way, what is it? Do I feel sorry for him? No, I can't feel sorry for him.

"Well I don't talk to the new kids." I say, pushing that feeling away. The bell finally rings after what seems like a century. One class down, three more to go. I have gym next, with Hayden and Macy. I hate gym, but do it anyway to keep my grade up. I go to my locker to drop my books off, then I head to the locker room. Hayden and Macy are already there getting changed. 

"You guys won't believe what happened to me today." I say, unlocking my gym locker and pulling out my clothes.

"What?" They both ask at the same time.

"Well, you know that new Riley kid? Well, he's in my math class. Mrs. Hale assigned him to the seat next to me too. Also, on top of that, we had to work on a packet together." I say, putting the lock back on my locker. We walk out of the locker room and into the gym.

"Looks like that's not the only class you have with him either." Macy says as we walk in. He must see us right away, because he flashes a smile this way. I look away, and scan the gym for Logan. Once I spot him, I walk up to him and say,"Hey babe!" 

"Hey! I didn't see you come out of the locker room"  He says, giving my a kiss.

"That's because I just walked out." I say."Anyway, do you have football practice today?"

"Yeah, but meet my behind the bleachers right after school, I have to show you something." He says, flashing me his amazing smile. I was about to answer him when the teacher walked out and yelled "Line up!" We get into our assigned lines. Riley goes and stands by the teacher and waits to be told where to stand. I silently pray he doesn't put him behind me. With me and my luck though, the teacher says,"McDonough go stand behind Weaver. Weaver raise your hand." I raise my hand and Riley starts walking towards me with a goofy grin on his face. 

"Looks like we will be seeing each other a lot more than you planned." He says. I ignore him, and look straight forward. We do our usual stretches and jogging, then we work on volleyball. When gym finally ends, I walk back into the locker room and get changed as quickly as possible. I lock my locker again, and walk out of the locker room. I walk to my locker, and get my lunch. I never eat the disgusting school food. I walk into the lunch room, and to our usual table. Hayden, Macy, Logan, Jake, and Luke are already there. Jake and Luke are Macy and Hayden's boyfriends. We finish lunch, and the rest of the day goes by fairly quickly. I don't have anymore classes with Riley so far, thank the lord. After my last class, I walk to my locker, and put my books away. I walk outside, and wait behind the bleachers for Logan. He shows up a few minutes later, and gives me a hug saying,"Hey babe."

"So, what did you want to show me?" I say, getting annoyed because I just want to go home.

"Nothing, I just want to do this." He says, pinning me up against the back of the bleachers and forcefully kissing me.

"Logan, stop." I say, but he doesn't. He starts kissing down my neck."Logan, seriously stop!" I say a little louder, trying to push him off of me. 

"Just hold still." He says, tightening his grip on my arms. I try to wiggle out of his grasp, but he's too strong. He reaches for the button of my jeans, and I get really nervous.

"LOGAN STOP IT NOW." I scream at him.

"Shut up, someone will hear us." He hisses.

"LOGAN STOP, YOU'RE HURTING ME." I scream again, hoping someone hears. A tear rolls down my cheek, because I don't know what to do and I'm scared. Logan has never done this to me.

"Hey man, she said stop, so just stop." I hear a voice that sounds somewhat familiar say. 

"Hey, just leaves us alone." Logan says. All of a sudden I feel Logan being pulled off of me. I see someone punch him, and realize it's Riley. They start tackling each other, and I run up to them and yell at them to stop. Finally, Riley gets up and says,"Next time, why don't you just listen to her the first time she asks." Then he walks up to me and says,"Are you okay?"

I wouldn't usually do this, but I just hug him. I bury my head into his neck, and just start sobbing."Thank you." I manage to get out between sobs. He pulls away and says,"Let's go, i'm taking you home." I just nod and follow him to his car. I tell him where to go and he takes me there. When he pulls into my driveway, I turn to him and say,"Thank you again. Let me see your phone." He hands me his phone, and I type my number in. I hand his phone back, and get out of the car. I walk into my house, and up to my room. I lay on my bed, and just start sobbing into my pillow.


So, this is the first chapter, and I don't even know if I like it. Should I continue on with it? Please vote, comment, and share!! -Alison :)

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