Why Malak

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Day days POV: later that day I went to my moms house and then went back downtown to pick up Malak when I got to the town center I saw Malak with another girl and she was pregnant and I stop and semi yelled bye Malak he looked over and ran toward the car

Malak: I can explain

Day: there is no explaining your explaining to me with how your acting 

Malak: well I'm sorry

Day: you tell me that all the time, I think we can't be together any more 

Malak: so now I can't see my daughter

Day: i never said that

Malak: let me go get my stuff from your house

Day: you can walk 

Malak: ok whatever

Day: bye 

Day: and you can block me from your contacts 

Malak: not going to happen

Kaitlynn: hi day I'm sorry and I'm really hoping we can talk sometime soon to see if we can figure it out and find out what to do about Malak

Day: ok tomorrow is the best day for me and probably at my house at 12:00 and also we coo

Kaitlynn: ok

Malaks POV: I'm ashamed of myself now I bet she won't ,et me see Eliza and I'm going by my moms house to get my car and go by day days to get my stuff and move with kaitlynn

At the house

Day days POV: I put Malaks stuff in a bag and put it in front of the door and then I heard Malak walking up to the door

Malak: really you put my stuff in a bag and throw it in front off the door

Day: yeah and you can't have Eliza you can see her 

Malak:wtf bro you playing with my bad side and you don't want to see my bad side

Day day: like your going to do anything

Malak: uhhh dayday you think I'm playing with you I not playing I'm tired of your games you going to separate me and my daughter like that Haha your funny

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