Chapter 2 (dare)

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As I put my butt on the itchy grass the group decided on playing a game, no one bother to introduce himself or stare at me like an outsider ‘cool’.

“So we are playing the dare game, any one is picked has to do what he have been told to do without arguing, any one does not want to play feel free to leave” the boy who sat with his emo girl cuddling beside him, that’s sound like a scary game with them but I just have to fit in and hope they don’t pick me.

Every one nodded for him to keep going “so I will begin….amm I pick my girlfriend” he said looking into her eyes.

“yes babe you can make me do anything without a dare” she said smiling at him.

‘Wow they look like a great couple wish I had someone looking at me like that’ I said to myself looking at them and holding my leg together and resting my chin on my knee .

“you have to lick..” he paused  and looked at her lips “you have to lick the bottom of your shoes” he said excited .

I was like -_____- ‘I take back that thing about being great couple’.

To my surprise she took her shoes off and brought it to her lip then she stopped and looked at him then from the heel she started licking upward, I almost threw at the sight of them kissing after that.

Then they kept daring each other and I am hiding beside a rock prying that they will not chose me.

“I pick the girl with the black hair” someone said then I looked at the girl with her ponytail black hair then I saw her looking at me .

“what?” I said almost in a whisper, I turned to see them looking at me …..oh I forgot I dyed my hair black ‘shoot’.

“bring it” I said trying to be cool.

The boy who choose me had a ginger hair and sparkling green eyes said “ you have to go into the haunted house and break the second floor window”

 next chap (caught by him)

Hope u like it

sorry if it is short

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