Chapter 26 (promises)

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Kyle P.O.V

I was surrounded by her tiny arm, she was trying to comfort me about my mother death, my heart ache every time I remember that I can’t be with mom, I tried to push the tears back but I failed so I hugged her back so she wouldn’t see my tears, I love her so much she is the only one in this world that really matter to me.

 I held her for about 5 minute and she didn’t push me back and it was a good sign I can sense her feeling, she calmed down and want to be here for me, I dragged her here to save mom but  discovered she is dead already, I am going to take my revenge on alic but first I want him to cure Beth once she is fine we will get out of here.

I pushed her gently after I felt my tears dried “thanks for your concern about me, I dragged you here but once you are fine I will get you out safely” I said confident.

She nodded but I can feel that she is scared and unsure of this whole mission I hugged her for second then I walked to the door and knocked on it, then Nate cousin Ian  entered.

“are you done?!” he said and I answered him by a punch I heard Beth gasp , he was back at his feet ready for a fight in a second.

“don’t you ever hit a girl, for god sake she is friend of Nate don’t you care?!!” I said which made him hesitate and think for a second.

“I don’t care she is just another project for alic and I follow orders and when someone annoy me and make my job harder I silent them” he said glaring at Beth.

I was pissed and came to him nose to nose  “I warn you Ian ,touch her again and I will burn your hands” I snarl at him, I felt him get tense and that’s because he knows what I am capable of.

“I will not lay my hands on her if she behaved” he said trying to calm himself.

I turned and faced Beth “listen Beth trust me, I am doing this to save you so bear with me just be patient” I said in a soft tone, this all I can do to her I know I won’t be with her later but I want her to live her life to the fullest and not missing a moment, if she is happy I am happy even if that means giving myself and the control of my power to alic but hopefully once I found a way to get rid of him I’ll try to win her over Liam.

Beth P.O.V

I was surprised that Kyle actually punched that guy, I was glad he did cause if he didn’t I would, but how can I manage to stay still and not say anything.

“promise me Beth” Kyle said looking into my eyes.

“I can’t promise you but I will try” I said, then that guy snorted and headed outside.

“ok, because I can’t handle seeing you getting hurt” he said as he touched my cheek.

I held his hand “Kyle I want you to know something, I don’t want you to get me wrong”

“go ahead say it” he said but he looked like he knows what will I say.

“amm I love someone else that’s why I can’t love you, I don’t want you to get the wrong impression, I like you but only as a friend so promise me you won’t kiss me again” I said and held my breath to hear his answer I don’t want to lose his friend ship.

“I can’t promise you that I won’t kiss you, but I promise I would stay as your friend no matter who you will chose, me or Liam you will always have a special place in my heart”  he said as he put my palm on his pounding chest.

I pulled my shaking hand “just tell mom everything will be ok and that I am sorry for all the trouble” I said.

“I will” he said and headed outside and I heard the lock turn to declare me a prisoner again, I felt the room closing on me I felt lonely and suffocated.

I positioned myself on the bed hoping to find conciliation on my dreams and a chance to meet Liam but the one who kept conquering my thought was Kyle.  

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