The girl who will never find love

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Once it had a girl her name is alex she liked this boy name aleby her liked him from senic 4th grade when they came to 5th grade she told him about her fellings for him she said in a soft voice "i-i like u " she said "i don't like u " he said but he said it in a angery voice she did not fell bad ontill his frends came n said "ha ha he don't like u" she cryed for 2 day then she moved on. One day a next boy said "alex i like u" she said "i like u to" she felt happy that someone loved her for who she is but the week after there school sports day she found out that her frend was dateing him she felt very bad she brok down in tears saying "lord why,why me" as she began to cry again her frend came back and said "plz plz forgive me i am so sorry he told me to do not tell u" she replaid and said "i forgive u i am not angery at u i just wanted to know if anyone cares about me" her frend said "ur perents do" she replaid "i know they do i am not angery at u i just want u to know that i can't trust u any more maybe i can be ur frend but to trust u again no i sorry i need to pull myself together "i am so sorry" her frend said.

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