Goodbye for Now

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I moved through the corridors with as much stealth as possible. The slightest noise or voice made me duck dramatically into the shadows, until finally I stood in front of Dimitri's bedroom door.

I slowly creaked the door open, only to find his room empty. I slid in and quietly shut the door behind me. The whole room looked completely different then before. The girly canopy that hung over Dimitri's bed was gone, and all his nail polish that use to clutter his dresser had vanished. The red colors that brought the room alive were gone. The room was now a straight black shade with silver crown molding.

What the hell happened in here? He must have had to change it for the eastern clan. As I looked around, I noticed anything that reminded me of mortal life was now gone.

I then heard voices coming from behind the door so I slid myself under his four poster bed, and remained completely silent. Two pairs of shoes came into my view, then I felt a sudden weight crash on the bed.

"You lying bastard! You said you wouldn't tell anyone." I heard a voice say. By the broad strength behind the sound and the fact that his voice made me shiver I knew it was Leo speaking.

"Who did I tell?"Dimitri said, his voice filled with innocence.

"Who didn't you tell!?" He raised his voice in anger.

"Hey! You're the one who took the gamble and told me about the damn affair." Dimitri argued.

"I thought you knew already!"

"No, I didn't even suspect. I really don't give a fuck who you sleep with, its not really any of my business."

"But it is everyone you told's business?"


"Who did you tell?" He growled.

"I told Daemon, Lilly..."

"Lilly? You told a baby, that I was sleeping with its mother?"

"She had a right to know!" Dimitri yelled. I knew Leo must have been rolling his eyes at Dimitri'a strange way of thinking, but I couldn't help but laugh silently to myself. "Anyway, I told Audrey and I know who." he said in a hushed voice.

"I get why you told Daemon, and Audrey, but why the hell did you tell you know who?" He asked. I got a feeling that "you know who" might be me...

"What would the mortal bitch even do with the information?" Leo scoffed. Yep, they're definitely referring to me.

"You shouldn't speak ill of the dead," Dimitri scorned. "And you shouldn't worry about me telling her, it's not like she can tell anyone. Much to your convenience I might add," Dimitri murmured, his voice arctic cold.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing, just saying its an odd coincidence."

"I didn't kill her, Dimitri," he lied.

"I know, just hoping you know how illegal and dangerous it is."

"I don't see why, they're just mortals."

"Because we need them asshole, and murdering them gives you the death penalty."

"Well the body is missing now. So I guess we'll never know if it was murder or not," Leo said turning to leave.

"Again, much to your convenience."

"I didn't take her body."

"Now that, I believe."

Leo swiftly left and slammed the door behind him. I hear Dimitri exhale and hop off his bed, wandering toward his closet.

I should get out would be a perfect time. But I couldn't help but suddenly feel nervous. What the hell would I say? I didn't want to scare him, but then again it was kind of his fault I died. Though I do believe he's been through enough, Mara did say he cried over me, a lot.

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