Where did they go??

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20 minutes later and we were putting in our regular order at the snack shack.

"We would like 1 large order of cheesy fried, 3 slices of pizza, 1 burger, a small order of onion rings and 3 large drinks" Sydney told the young man behind the counter.

Minutes later and we were in our special booth pigging out on our food, talking about how amazing the concert is going to be and about the movies we should get along with what junk food in between bites.

"You know what Iv been craving lately? S'mores!" Ellie said

"Ooh!! Those do sound really good. We could even build a fort in my room so it feels like we are camping!! What about you?" I ask turning to Sydney, taking a sip of my Dr.Pepper

"I'm feeling like some cheesy popcorn actually" she said "Okay. Well we can get cheesy popcorn and our makings for s'mores, plus some chips and dip and pop. What kind of movies are you guys thinking?" I ask again. They think for a wile before both responding with "HORROR MOVIES!!!"

"Well then, horror movies it is then. We can pick some out when were there" I say as we stand up and throw out our garbage and then turn to head to our first stop in shopping, Hot Topic.

As we walk in Sydney goes over to the clearance rack in the back, Ellie following behind her to get to the hair dyes. I go to the jewelry, which is closer to the front.

*Hmm, should I get the dangly hand cuff earrings or the stud skull ones? Oh , or maybe this necklace and that bracelet. No no no, I'll get the stud earrings. Although this choker matches this bracelet well.. no I'm getting the earrings* I decide grabbing the earrings and turning to walk away and then stop*but..* I think turning back to the shelf, grabbing up the choker and bracelet as well. I turn back around again and "ouch!! Oof" I say as I rub my head wile I'm sitting on my now sore butt. And just when I thought the strange feeling was gone it was back all the sudden.

Before I knew it, I was being pulled up by a strong pair of hands. A wave of what felt like a shock (a small one from one of those fake shock lighters) went threw me, then the hands were gone and so was the waves of shocks.

"Umm, thank you, I'm sor.." But when I look up, no one is there, and the strange feeling is gone completely *OK who did I run into and why do I keep feeling this!?* I question myself as I stand there looking like an idiot before checking out with Sydney and Ellie.

You can call me your Beauty if I can call you my Beastly PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now