Well there goes a perfectly good coke

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By 6:30 we were done getting everything, deciding on the last 3 Saw movies for the night, and were on our way back to my place to get ready for the concert.

"Soo... are you guys excited!?!" Sydney asks, for probably close to the hundredth time today, as we make our way into my room. Sydney practically jumping out of her skin with excitement. Ellie and I just laugh at her "Not as much as you apparently" I say. Ellie just shakes her head. "Well whatever, I call dibs on getting dressed first!" Sydney yells as she closes my bathroom door, taking her clothes with her.

Fifty minutes later of taking turns getting dressed, and doing hair and makeup, and we were ready.

"I look fabulous!" Sydney says in a sing songy voice as we make our way down the stairs. We all looked pretty good. Ellie and I just shake our heads at her again.

"Will you guys stop doing that" She says with a pout and we just laugh at her.

Sydney looks us up and down as we reach the bottom of the stairs, seeing how we look in the clothes she put us in.

"I don't see why you don't wear red more often, Scar. It really brings the green in your eyes out." Sydney says to me, and I just roll my eyes at her as we walk down the drive way and then take our seats in Ellie's car when we reach it, and start on our way to pick up Michell, and then head to the concert.

About thirty minutes later...

"I hope I can get my pick signed" Michell says as we take another step forward in line.

"I want to get a new poster signed" says Ellie.

"I just want a new band T"

"Yea same here." I agree with Sydney as we reach the front of the line. We each give the guy at the door our tickets and receive the X on our hands in return.

After we each get in we make our way up the stairs and add our selves to the already huge crowd of screaming sweaty jumping bodies. I turn to my friends and... they were already gone.

*Just great* I think to myself as I stand up on my tippy toes "Curse being so short" I say to myself as I scan the crowd of bodies for any sign of my friends.

After a wile I go back on flat feet with a humph " Just great" I drag out again to myself.

I start making my way to get closer to the stage, getting shoved around like a rag doll on the way. They were just finishing playing "All I Want".

" How is Cleveland doing tonight?" asks Jeremy McKinnon threw the mic. Every one starts to scream and jump. He says a few more things getting the same response every time before playing the next song. And bodies start to slam into me again.

After a few more songs I make my way back to get a coke and take a break. I still haven't found any of my friends yet, but was still looking. After ordering my drink, and handing the lady my money with a smile and a thank you I get my coke, and turn to walk over to see the merchandise. As I turn though I slam into someone, sending my coke, not only spilling all over me, but all over the other person as well.

"Well, there goes a perfectly good coke" I say as I look down and tried to wipe some of it off.

"Naw, your not missing anything. They water it down a lot so its not that great" says a strong voice.

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