First Date.. Scary? Not really..(Chapter3)

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I sped into the driveway, and locked the car. I walked up, led him up the infinite amount of stairs and quickly opened the door. As we entered the door I took off my jacket and put it on the coat rack. He did the same. His leather jacket came off, his muscles became even more prominent in the now brighter light. He smiled seductively. I scoffed.

"If you think your gonna get laid than you can leave right now."

"Oh my gosh. You must be out of your mind. I'm not a hoe!" he paused and started to talk like a girl, "honey, you outta your mind. I mean at least wait until the Second date, okay Missy!" He said smiling. I snorted. He sounded like my step mother. Oh shit. The wicked witch isn't coming home! Yayyy.

"Okay. It's getting scary how good you can do that." I said bending over and reaching in the fridge to get three beers. I looked over my shoulder. He was staring right at my ass, "you know what, you ass!"

"What? Ass? I wasn't, I, I...sorry."

"Oh just shut up and tell me how many beers you want."

"Wait aren't two of those for me?"

"No. This is mine." he looked at me incredulously.

"Are you driving?"

"Yup." I sad handing him two and opening mine. I sat down in front of the tv and turned it on. Music began to blast. I flinched. Alex didn't even react. I lowered it a bit.

"Why'd you lower it."

"Ehm. It was blasting! And I have neighbors."

"Okayyy, you know how to dance to this?" Yea, I nodded, listening to Marc Anthony and the familiar salsa beat, "wanna dance?"

"Why how romantic!" I said sarcastically as I smiled at how he was glowing. He smiled and laughed.

"Ok. I'm gonna try again. Second chance?"

"Sure." I said putting the beer bottle to my lips. He put his beer down on the coffee table and got up. He looked me in the eyes as he walked. He peered into the windows to my soul and I cherished every bit of it. I smiled.

He got close to me. Closer than I ever thought I'd allow. He defied some of the walls I set up against him. He got closer, so close that if either of us moved at all we'd be on top of each other. I felt my body betray me as I began to blush. Get a hold of yourself Sam! He looked at me and began to speak in a low seductive tone.

"Sam, I was just wondering if you'd be so kind as to dance with me." Then and there I snapped out of it. Was I immune? I think I am. Yayyy!!!

I slightly pressed on top of him. Just allowing our bodies to brush against each other. I looked him in the eyes. He looked me in my eyes then my lips then back to my eyes. I began to speak in a very seductive tone. He became mesmerized. I put my drink down before beginning to speak.

"Well, I mean I don't see why not," I paused, placing my hand on his hand, "I mean, Alex," at the sound of his name from my mouth he bit his lip, "you must be a pretty good dancer." I looked him in the eyes, "eh-hem, Alex? We gonna dance? Hello?"

"Uh. Dance, yea, definitely what I was, uhm, thinking." Now that he has that out of his system lets get on with the evening. He grabbed me and spun me around, before I came to a stop and he began to lead me in dancing to the music.

While we danced we laughed and as the evening went on we had an innocent date, laughing, and sharing the memories of our terrible childhoods. We soon realized the time. Alex and I ran out of the house, slammed the door, locked it and got in the car.

I sped out and off into the highway. He had me drop him off at his mother's house. But before he left he kissed me on the forehead and cheek and thanked me for the best night of his life. I smiled at that, and said your welcome, before waving goodbye and speeding off.

I made it just in time. As they walked out I was driving up. The story was, he got sick in the middle and needed to go home. He was. What was it? Throwing up? Yea. Throwing up! Okay. I got this. And we only saw until the part where they started to build the machine. Okay. Yea. That was definitely where we agreed to have supposedly left at.

I told Jonny and Arie quickly on the way to my house. They left two seconds after I got upstairs and called Arie to say that I had gotten inside. I could tell they were suspicious. But we would be fine if he kept his story straight too. Oh gosh, I hope he remembers.

After locking the door behind me I put the empty beer bottles in the trash and the pizza in the fridge. Then I turned around. Crap. He forgot his jacket.

I won't look in it. I won't be nosey.

I won't be that clingy bitch after the first date!

I won't.

I will.

I won't.

Shit! What do I do?

Fuck that! I'm too damn curious.

But what if he finds out and he's angry?


You know what fuck it! I'm opening it!

I quickly unzipped his pockets. I found a note and a bracelet. It reminded me of me. Weird. I opened the note attached. It read:

Dear Sam, ....


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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