Acquaintances No More (Chapter2)

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I ran and grabbed my sweater. Happy to be doing something. Happy to be busy. I got out and jumped in the car as the door slammed behind me.

"Hey. It's just us?" I said looking her in the eyes. She zoomed off faster than she'd ever driven.

"Yea, for now" I saw her mumble before her smile curved on her face. Crap.

"Uhm! Are you setting me up?!?!" Her eyes widened as she began to turn.


"Arie!" I said lightly shoving her, " I told you that I was crushed! Not that I wanted you to hook me up!"

"I know! But Jonny said that one of his guy friends had also just had a break up, and so I thought hey! Perfect opportunity!"

"But I-"

"And I knew you wouldn't want to, but he was a ass! You need to get back out there! Just use a different guy to forget about your ex!" She zoomed into the parking lot, " I mean that's what I did! And we're so happy together!"

"Fine! I'll date! But you can't bombard me with guys!"

"Okay! Okay!" Arie shouted as she locked the door behind us, "wait! Let me check your makeup!" She said stopping me and squinting her eyes checking to see if I was "make out" ready as she called it.

"Why!? He'll probably never see me again!"

"Well you never know!"

"Ugh!" I waited as she "fixed me". Well at least I'd look beautiful. Even if I didn't feel it. We walked over excited, with smiles on our faces. From the corner of my eyes I could see Tom. Crap. We finally arrived as he got off of this cheap blonde and turned as he watched me walk by. I went over and tapped Jonny.

"So where's my date so I can get this over with?"

"Right there." He said pointing at a handsome teen. I looked at him, trying not to seem obvious. Fitted black T-shirt. Perfect pair of jeans. Black earrings and a beautiful pair of Converse. With tattoos peaking out of his shirt. Oh shit. I could definitely get used to this. I looked up to his face. Perfect hair and freckles and those hazel eyes.. I could feel Tom's eyes begin to stare.

"Wait. You mean Mr. Tattoos over there?" I whisper screamed at Jonny and a very confused Arie. I turned around to see him stop right in front of me.

"So you two know each other?"Jonny said confused.

"Yes. Yes we do." Mr. Tattoos said with a lovely smirk on his face. He bit his lip as he checked me out.

"Ok. Cool." Jonny said before I could correct my lovely stalker. Jonny and Arie held hands and began to walk inside. I could see Tom from the corner of my eye. Before I could turn and throw him a threatening glare, mystery man turned around. He told him to back off without saying a thing.

He slipped his hand in mine and kissed me on the cheek. I tip toed and kissed him back. Haha asshole! You can have a cheep whore for all I care. I thought as I strutted away holding on to this wonderful stranger's arm. He could play the part of a gentleman just a well as I could play the part of a girl hopelessly in love.

He let me go as he pushed open the door and Tom faded out of sight. Out of mind.

"Okay. So since we obviously keep bumping into each other can I please just know your name?" I smiled, shrugged my shoulders and looked up at him.

"Sam, my name is Sam." he began to slow down in confusion.

"Sam? It's not short for, I don't know Samantha?" I giggled at his suggestion. He smiled at me.

"No." He looked at me weird. I smiled, "my parents promised my grandfather Sam that they'd name their last child Sam, and when I was born my mother only had a week to live, so I was named Sam." I smiled at the thought of the only memory I have of my mother.

"So do you like your name?" He said in thought of the whole situation.

"Yes. I absolutely love my name. I'll never change it." We turned and walked up the stairs, still deep in conversations as we followed the mere shadows of our friends, "so what's yours?"

"Oh. Alex." He held out his hand.

"Sam." I said smiling. As I shook his hand.

"Nice to meetcha."

"You too," I looked up at the doors to the movie, "what are we even seeing?"

"This comedy about cops in the afterlife and what they do," I raised my eyebrow questioning the notion, "it's a comedy."

"Oh. Ok, do you really wanna watch this?" I asked him without bias in my eyes.

"Nah. Not really."

"Good. Cause I watched this already. Wanna get out of here?"

"Won't they-"

"No. I have her keys and Plus they're gonna make out the whole time," I paused and looked up, "beer?"

"Hallelujah." He said. We walked out the back. Sold our tickets and got outta there. I put the key in the ignition and stepped on the gas.

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