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~Chapter 7~

Lys P.O.V

Lys stepped around the corner, careful of her dress, and proceeded to walk once more down the hallway. She was practicing for her entrance ceremony which was due in less than an hour.

After Lys was deemed fully recovered, she had been thrown in one beautification process right after the other in a whirlwind of treatments and fittings. Thankfully the ship with her possessions had not been sunk and arrived safely at Buenna.

The dress she wore now was a pearly satin, cream-colored floor length gown. Pearls were the main features, which lined the collar, sleeves, and hem of the dress. The look was complete with pearl earrings and a pearl necklace, and her hair had been done up with a giant pearl barrette.

Lys kept her shoulders straight, chin tilted down, and eyes straightforward. Her shoes made a soft clack sound on the marble floors, as she finished the walkway gracefully for the tenth time. Once she reached the end Lys let out a sigh of relief. It would do.

Now Lys headed for her quarters which was on the second floor, reserved for guests, to have her makeup redone and hair fixed for the last time. Feelings of trepidation started to form. It was her very first feast, very first dance, very first ceremony...that was all just for her. She been to some before, but she never had one of her own. Irony seemed to enjoy making its presence.

She thought of father, how his face had looked when he told her what Clementine's fate would be if Lys did not marry a Crown Prince. With the memory of her fathers' cold face in mind, Lys prepared for the most important dinner of her life, her little sister's future at stake.


Klaus P.O.V

Klaus stepped out of the washroom wearing a plush cream colored robe. He ran his hand through his raven black hair, making drops of water fall to the carpet floor. Drying himself off quickly he called for a maid to dress him.

Klaus smiled warmly as he saw who came inside. The maid was one that had been with him since he had been but a child. She was experienced in her work and Klaus trusted her with his life. After all, she had practically raised him.

"My dear Mabel, how is your health? It feels as though I have not seen you in ages." Klaus greeted her with a kiss to the hand. She laughed heartily and patted his head with affection, corners of her eyes wrinkling.

"You silly boy. I'm perfectly all right. Now, lets get you dressed, I heard the lady tonight is a real beauty."

Mabel was old, the oldest maid in Viehart, but she was well respected and loved dearly by all the Crown Princes. As was the custom of Viehart, a child is allowed to be with their mother until the age of three. That's when they are taken and instead raised by an assigned maid. The Crown Princes were always taken to the Head Maid, whom in this era was Mabel. But for Klaus, she was not just a maid, she was his mother who had raised him along with his four other brothers, a task no easy feat. These days Mabel was busy just trying to keep Beau's troublemaking in line, thus Klaus never got to see her as much as he would like.

Mabel opened his wardrobe and pulled out a dark blue suit, complete with gold tassels and embroidery. It looked like something a Prince would wear, but also fit for a military general. Not that Klaus liked either of those looks. He preferred plain loose fitting clothes that provided comfort more than anything else. But the King would throw a fit if he wore such a thing - especially to this ceremony.

Mabel held the suit up to Klaus's body, admiring how it looked. Then she looked up at him with amusement in her wizened eyes.

"So. What disguise will you choose this time?"

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