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~Chapter 10~

Lys P.O.V

"Now this is the library. Do you read as a hobby by any chance?" Klaus asked politely.

"Ah, no. I find that my studies are time consuming enough as it is." Lys replied with a small laugh. He smiled at her answer and nodded.

But she wasn't being truthful. She did read, but a Princess can't really admit to reading military and combat strategic scrolls or books can they? Besides, they both knew the question was just for pleasantries.

"Now then, have you met-ah!" His eyes brightened and Lys looked past her shoulder to see Johannes. "Brother, perfect timing. I was just about to ask if she met you yet."

Johannes grinned, dimple deepening in his right cheek.

"Of course we have, haven't we, my lady? Your dancing is truly exquisite." He bowed, one hand behind his back and one outstretched for her hand. Lys took it and he kissed it gently. She could feel his lips form a smile.

"Thank you, Johannes. You are not bad yourself." She replied with a curtsy. Klaus's left eyebrow was raised at their exchange.

"You two seem quite close."

Johannes' eyes widened.

"Are you...jealous?!" His eyes turned gleeful and gleaming, almost like he was gloating. Lys didn't understand why he was so happy.

Klaus made an expression of disgust.

"You must be kidding. Of course not."

"I don't believe you. You never make observations like that out loud." Johannes grinned even wider. Klaus made no comment, but he made his indifference and exasperation plain on his features. Lys didn't even know what this conversation had turned to. At Klaus's non-committal response Johannes sighed.

"Ah, well. It was worth a shot." He shrugged a smile still lingering on his handsome face. Lys found Johannes' childishness cute and very much like Beau. 'Perhaps Beau took after Johannes?' She wondered.

"Then, I'll leave you to him. Have a good day, the both of you." And he left with a bow. Lys noticed the brothers exchange a look but she pretended not to notice.

Both of them watched Klaus walk toward the west staircase in silence. Then he was gone.

Now they were alone. She would have to play her cards right, since he was the one she wanted.

"Now then," Johannes surprised her by speaking first. "What did you think of my younger brother? I know he comes off as cold or unapproachable at first but deep down he is a really good guy."

Lys didn't expect that question. She didn't know what to say. He hadn't really been cold to her, not really. Actually, it was her that had been cold instead, after finding out he was a Mage. She felt guilt rise.

"He was very kind. He saved my life twice and was forgiving. I'm indebted to him." She said truthfully. He seemed impressed by her answer.

"Really now? How did that happen?" He asked. And so she told him about what had occurred in the day while they walked around the castle.

How she had nearly killed him, how Beau had revealed who Klaus was, how she had been spared of execution, then met him once more at Alden's cottage by chance. Then how he had nearly killed her then saved her again therefore leading up to meeting Johannes. When she was finished the sun had already set and they were standing outside her room. Johannes's face was incredulous, amused, and awestruck.

"That's incredible. Klaus...well, he never was one for violence." He shook his head with a fond grin. "The Divinities were truly with you today. If it had been anyone else you would have been dead by now, you do realize that?"

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