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" A mistake how could you?" I said in a very sharp tone 

What! they couldn't do this I got to know Max now and they decide that he was a mistake that I'm supposed to be with someone else?  This was something else I was so angry I could punch them in the face. How dare they ?! I am so royally pissed, and I could tell that Max isn't too happy about this.

" Mother please tell me your joking. "  said with a straight face.

My moms expression was plain, she either didn't care or she was very shocked that she couldn't have a expression.

"so what now ?" I asked

"You'll meet your match tomorrow, both of you forget this experience." said Mr. Roy

We all gave him a nod.

Feeling as if I'm about to throw up because I can't handle big news like this one, My stomach dropped so fast and make me feel sick. My father was driving, no one was talking everyone was just silent like they felt if they would say something I would get mad. or where they just as surprised as me ? whatever it was I didn't like it my greatest phobia because I feel like their no one around and I can't be in my mind alone because I'll probably go crazy. My mother just stared out the window , with her face expression that doesn't give me a clue how she feels, her face is plain without a doubt she nervous and scar0ed even worried about how did they make this mistake.

" what do you guys think?" I asked

They turned to each other as to master what to say to me , like they needed to reassure themdselves on what to say.

" Is that bad that they made a mistakes ?" I added a smile with that question to make things a little less awkward

" I don't remember a mistake like this was made ever." mom said in a little quiet voice 

" Don't worry mother everything will be fine. It's just a mistake isn't it?" I replied

If their isn't a case that this ever happened then I guess it was just a bad day for a person that they messed up my name. I don't think this is going to come back. I actually started to dig max, even though I just met him but he seems like a perfect person that he cares about when your talking and that's a great quality for a guy. He was also pretty handsome and that's really great. I though he was alright and I only met him like 3 hours ago so those 3 hours were really great but that's going to stop because I'm going to meet someone else tomorrow and he's going to be a big part of my life. I should be more focused on him then on max . I wonder what max is thinking right now. is he even caring about me? did I leave him how he left me? Was he also mad that this happened? I am kind of obsessed with him but that's going to have to stop like right now. Bluer than velvet was that night My mother and father were getting out of the car but I didn't want to move I just wanted to sit and process things. like you know you need to stop thinking about it but then your mind doesn't let you , you just keep on holding that thought even though you aren't supposed to. 

"do you want something to eat before you go to sleep?" mom asked

"no thank you." I replied

   It was the last  week of November. The weather was very cold. I got up at five 6 and went out for a stroll. As I stepped out of the house, I began to shiver with cold. An extremely cold wind was blowing on my face.

My hands and feet were benumbed with cold. My nose began to run and ears were as cold as ice. I was chilled to the marrow. My legs became stiff and cold. Not a bird chirped. The birds lay huddled together in their nests.

I ran for about a mile to make myself warm but all to no purpose. My feet were frozen. It was so foggy and misty. Nothing was visible. Their was so many leaves on the ground. The trees stood naked. The temperature touched the freezing point.

I hastened home, took a cup of hot, steaming tea and covered myself with a quilt but I was still shivering with cold. My hands were almost paralyzed. I tried taking a shower and  shave but my fingers did not work. I sat near the fire. I warmed my hands for about half an hour. It was then that I was able to move and go take a shower to get ready.

I began to step into the shower but the floor was freezing cold but that didn't matter right now because all I could think of was getting ready to do the same thing I did yesterday but this time I will actually meet someone who's going to stick into my life for a long time not like yesterday that I tried and then got it taken away because of a dumb mistake someone made. I decided to go back outside. All of a sudden, the sky was overcast with clouds. Clouds began to start pouring, I loved the rain so much sleeping in and watching movies in bed with a big blanket. Today was a exception though because since we had to go to this special dinner with a person who I never met in my life. Great it was just great a perfectly day go to waste.

I had another dress that was send to my house, This dress was so beautiful , Full length satin dress in velvet red ,with gathering on the bust, with spaghetti straps and long slit up to mid thigh on the left leg.

We drove to the banquet , the place was set up differently from yesterday their was only one round table with candles and flowers and their was only 2 chairs. One for me and one for him, I didn't know his name but shortly I will. He came in walking as confident as anyone could be he was tall at least 6 feet, his body was slim and he had fair skin that made him glow, his face structure was very neat but compared to max's , max still would've won. He was wearing a black suit it fit him just right , it wasn't tight but you could still see that he had muscle his arms seemed to shape very well.

"Hello I'm Felix Oliver Bryon" said in a very promising voice

" Hey I'm Audrey Tremblay." I said

He started to start talking about his likes and dislike but I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying I was listening to him and looking at him, so he wouldn't feel like I didn't care after all were going to spend a lot of time together. He just talked and went on how much he loved to draw and how he would paint a lot of portraits and one of them got into a museum and I thought it was interesting, but I couldn't move my mouth to say something nice like that it was amazing that in a very young age he got to be all that. I just gave him a brief smile to let him know I was still indeed listening to him. Before I knew it was time to leave that this dinner was over, deep inside I was so grateful that this was over I was ready to slip into my gray sweats and a warm jacket and jump in bed and sleep. This day was even harder than yesterday I thought.

" Well I guess this is a goodbye for now because we'll be seeing each other a lot wont we?" he asked

" Your right once again Felix." I said smiling

Felix walked me to the car that was suppose to take me home, He opened the door and hold my hand and made me go in.

"Goodnight Audrey it was amazing meeting you." He said

" The same here Felix goodnight." I replied with a joyful tone

On my way home things started to come to me and how much I compared Max and Felix and I shouldn't be doing that because I should forget about Max, he'll never be in my life again. Why am I so attached to him I mean I barely met him ? Why do I feel something towards him?

"This has to stop." I told myself

"what's that miss." The driver said

I totally forgot that someone else was in the car, imagined how distracted I was that I forgot I was in a car with someone.

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