I Like U Too

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I sat there at my desk during 8th period. The last period of the day, last period of the week. I looked up at the clock and after every minute that passed, I looked over at my best friend, Ally.

Tonight we were going to see the one and only Austin Mahone at the IX Center in Cleveland. Her mom had won us free tickets, and they expired that Sunday, so it worked out perfectly. At 2:59 I looked over at her with a huge smile and she looked at me. I turned around and packed up my things, just in time for the final bell to go off. I stood up and walked over to the door, waiting for ally.

"You ready tonight?" she asked me while smiling. "Of course I am. we've only been planning this for months now" I said while opening my locker. Allys was right next to mine, so it was really convenient. I put my stuff away and grabbed my Nike draw string bag. she did the same and we walked out of our middle school. We walked by the buses to the end of the school sidewalk. We walked to my house after school each day.

After 10 minutes of discussing all of our plans tonight, we were home. I opened my door and we ran straight upstairs to my room. We threw our bags on the floor and took out our makeup and hair stuff. I turned on some music and started curling my hair. Ally started doing her makeup. We then started loudly singing the lyrics to pretty much every song that came on, especially Austin's. once I finished my hair, we switched spots and ally started curling her hair while I put on my make up.

"Do you think there will be any cute guys there?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know" I said. Once I finished my makeup I grabbed my white shorts from Hollister with small rips on the pockets and my red shirt that ally and I made for tonight. It said number 1 Mahomie for life and on the back it said "Briella Mahone"' oh yeah, my name is Briella Mara. I am 12 years old and in 6th grade. same with Ally. I have dark.Brown long hair with hazel eyes. Ally has blonde long hair with green eyes.

I got dressed in my outfit and then put on my bracelet that said "Mahomie" acrossed it. When I got back in my room, Ally was all dressed and ready too, she was wearing the same outfit except hers said "Ally Mahone" on the back. We sat in my room and talked some more about tonight and took some pictures, before my mom came up and told us it was time to leave. We both jumped up and practically ran down the stairs and out the door. we both got into the back seat and put our seat belts on,before My mom pulled out of the drive way.

In less than 1 hour, we were there. I could feel my heart start beating faster when we got to the stage, front row. I was so nervous and excited. we stood in our same spot for almost an hour before a guy came on the stage. he announced everyone that was performing. I knew Sean Kingston and Austin Mahone, but there was a new name, Alex Angelo. I never heard of him, but if he's performing with two big stars like them, he must be well known.

Another hour went by before the same guy and two others came out with a table and what looked like suit cases. they unfolded them onto the table. I then noticed they were for a dj. When they finished the one guy grabbed the Mic. he told us his name was Java Joel. He then told us that in 5 minutes the opening act, Alex Angelo was to perform. I have to admit l,I'm pretty excited to see this mysterious kid perform. by all the nice comments he's getting, he's gotta be amazing.

5 minutes later, Java Joel finally announced Alex to come out. When he did, my eyes lit up. This wasn't some old guy who was just djing the night, he was a young good looking singer and dancer. it was like love at first sight. he started singing "Troublmaker" by Olly Murs and I have to say, I was really impressed. While he was singing he looked down at me and pointed at me while winking, which made my cheeks turn a deep.shade of red. "Oooh someone's gotta crush" Ally joked. I jokingly punched her in the arm and laughed.

After 25 minutes of ALEX djing and dancing, he sang his last song, which was Beauty and a Beat. after he finished he told us to follow him on Twitter and instagram. so right after he got off the stage, I did. and not even a minute later, he followed back. I decided to tweet him "@ItsAlexAngelo hey Alex(: you did an amazing job just a few minutes ago. Gained yourself a new fan(:" within another minute he tweeted back "@BriellaICONic hi. thank you. You were front row right?" my heart beated faster. he knows who I am. "@ItsAlexAngelo Yes(:" I said. "@BriellaICONic ah I thought so. You're very beautiful;)" he said. My heart skipped at least 3 beats, no it stopped all at once.

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