Chapter 2

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Sooner then I thought, it was Tuesday. I was up in my room getting ready for Alex's game. I tried my best to look good, for him. he tweeted yesterday telling all his fans to come, so now I really need to try harder. I straightened my hair a little more and then I touched up some of my make up. I changed into a black shirt with red sleeves and high waisted denim shorts, and tucked my shirt into them. I took red face paint and put #22 on both cheeks. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to see of my mom was ready, to my surprise, she was. She grabbed her keys and we walked outside to our car and got in.

we drove to Allys house to pick her up. Ally walked out her door wearing a red shirt with black on it and denim shorts.her hair was perfectly curled and she had #1 on both her cheeks. She got into the back and my mom started driving again.

In less than 40 minutes, we were there. Me and Ally jumped out of the car and walked over to their field. We passed by a bunch of Alex's fans. They were all really pretty, I started feeling more insecure by each person we passed. We ran into Kaleb before we could even see Alex, he was probably taking pictures or something. "Hey Ally and Briella" Kaleb said while smiling. I could see his smile get bigger when he saw Allys cheeks. " Hey Kaleb. Where's Alex?" I asked him. I could see Ally and Kaleb both roll their eyes. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. he's warming up in the field" he said while pointing to him. I nodded my head. "I like your cheeks ally" Kaleb complimented her while winking. She started to blush "Well now you can't even see the #1" I said while l laughing. She looked at me confused, but Kaleb laughed.

we talked to Kaleb for a little while until his coach called him. "I've gotta go. bye. I'll talk to guys after the game" he said while turning away. "Good luck" Me and Ally said in unison. We walked over to the bleachers and sat down.

Halfway through the game, Alex caught a pop and made the final out of the inning. I started clapping really loud. The woman next to us turned and looked at me "Oh, are you one of Alex's fans?" she asked me. "Um yeah. but I'm also one of his friends." I said. She looked at me sorta confused. "What's your name?" she asked me. "Briella" I said. "Oh yes I've heard Alex talk about you quite a bit. I'm his mother,Tina" she said while sticking out her hand. "Hi,nice to meet you" I said while shaking her hand. "You too" she said. "So how long have you known Alex?" she asked me. "Since Friday" I said. "Oh, the way he talks about you, I'd think you two have been friends for years" she said. I started blushing a little bit. Before I could say anything, Ally, started screaming. I looked at the field to see Kaleb made a triple. I laughed at her enthusiasm for him.

When the game was over Alex and Kaleb came out of the dug out, but Alex had to take pictures with his fans. I kinda started to get upset, I came here for him and I haven't seen him once. We talked with Kaleb a little longer, well not really talked more like took pictures and hacked instagrams, until finally Alex came over. He walked over to me and stood by my side. "Hey guys" he said smiling. "Hi. great game" I said smiling. "Thanks" he said.

After awhile everyone had left, except me ally Kaleb and Alex. we walked over to the playground and just hung out. Me and Alex were on the swings just goofing around while Kaleb and Ally were I'm pretty sure at a picnic table or something, I don't know I was to focused on Alex. He was covered in dirt and sweat, but he still looked perfect. "So where do you dance at?" he asked me "Spotlight in Mentor" I said. "Oh. That's pretty far from here" he said. "Over a half hour" I said. "So I have an even next month on memorial day, can you come?" he asked me. "Maybe. I have to see what I'm doing." I said "Okay" he said. it got a little awkward for awhile before Kaleb and Ally returned. "Where were you two? making out?" Alex asked teasingly. They both looked at each other and didn't say anything. "Oh my God you were!!" I yelled. "No we weren't, we were just kidding" Kaleb said. "Hey will you take a picture of me and Alex?" I asked ally handing her my phone. "Of course" she said. Me and Alex got up and he put his arm around me and I put MINE around him. Ally took the picture and the handed me back my phone. "Thank you" I said while looking at the picture. "Aw we cute we cute. Send me that?" Alex said. I laughed and then sent it to him.

About another hour went by before we all had to leave. It was already 10:00 and it was almost an hour to get home. we all said goodbye and got into our cars. "Ally, Alex was asking me about this even on memorial day. wanna go?" I asked her. "Only if Kaleb will be there" she said while laughing. "Just for you he probably will be" I said. My phone then suddenly went off. it was a Twitter notification from Alex. "My number one biggest fan. @BriellaICONic thank you so much for coming. can't wait to see you again(:" and he had the picture of us attached. I favorite and retweeted it. "@ItsAlexAngelo anything for you(:"

By time we finally got home it was 11:00. I got a small lecture from my mom about not telling her to come and get her and then she told me to go to bed. She could yell at me all she wants, it's all worth it to spend time with Alex.

The past 3 weeks have been long and boring, since I haven't seen Alex at all. But luckily, in two days he had an event and I was going with Ally. I couldn't wait.

I was sitting in my 8th period class, watching the clock just like I do every day. Once the final bell of the week rang, I got up from my desk and headed for the door. I waited for ally, like I do everyday and walked to our lockers. "I'm so excited for Alex's event" she said. "No, you're excited to see Kaleb" I said while laughing. She started to blush more. "Maybe..." She said. I chuckled and grabbed my stuff out of my locker, Ally did the same and then we headed for the door.

Before I could make it out the door, my face collided with the floor. I looked up to see the one girl I hate, Gina. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Ally yelled at her while helping me up. My nose was bleeding slightly. All she could do was laugh with her drones that she likes to call her "friends". "Oops, it was an accident" she said sarcastically. I wiped my nose and walked out of my school.

"I HATE HER SO MUCH" I yelled while sticking my key into my front door. "Me too. I can't believe she'd do that" Ally agreed with me. "I can. She's so bored with her life she has to go and ruin others lives." I said while wiping my nose once more. I walked into my bathroom and grabbed some toilet paper and put it up to my nose. "Ow" I said. I looked in the mirror at my nose. "I can't show up to Alex's show with a bruised nose" I said while pointing to my nose. "Put on foundation" Ally suggested "That's not going to cover up this" I said. "It should" Ally said. I sighed and walked out of my bathroom. "What are you going to wear?" Ally asked. I shrugged my shoulders "I have no idea" I said.

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