The birth of Marissa

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Garroth and Laurence were in the hospital giving birth. (I'm freaking out) Aphmau and the others were out in the waiting in the waiting room (I'm not writing Garroth giving birth sorry) One hour later Laurence came out of the room with a baby girl name Marissa she had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes she look just like them....

She so cute Aphmau said.
Thank you said laurence.
How's Garroth said Aphmau.
He's sleeping now he tired for giving birth said Laurence.
Oh I hope he gets better said Aphmau.
OK see you tomorrow said Laurence
See ya said Aphmau.

(The next day)

Garroth was in the hospital room holding his baby girl in his arms he was happy that she was born... Then Zane came in the room (Zane is good in my story).

Aww my niece is so adorable said Zane
Thanks baby brother said Garroth
Can I hold her said Zane
Sure Garroth said

The Garroth hand Marissa to Zane... And Zane started to cry cause she was beautiful to him...

(Few hours later)

Garroth and Laurence went home and made on the couch with there baby girl the love so much... Later Aphmau came to see Garroth and Laurence to see how they were doing with Marissa... They said they don't need help with there daughter....

Garrence x Daughter Marissa *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now