Marissa's First word

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Garroth's p.o.v

I was playing with Marissa I was getting hungry so I went to the kitchen to get something to eat I heard Marissa call me...

DADDY DADDY Marissa screamed

Did you just say your first word baby girl I said...

I love you daddy Marissa said...

I love you too baby I said...

YAY Marissa screamed..

Are you tired baby I said..

Yes DADDY Marissa telled me.

OK lets get you to bed I said.

OK Marissa said...

So I pick up Marissa and put her to bed and then someone was calling me I pick it up and I seen it was Laurence I
Answered it...

Hey I said.

Hey how's Marissa Laurence said

Oh Marissa had her first word today I said.

Really man I miss all the good stuff Laurence said

I know I said.

HEY Laurence screamed

I'm playing I said.

Good Laurence said.

Haha I laughed.

OK I have to good bye babe Laurence said.

Bye I said...

After I was done talking to Laurence I went to check on my baby so I went to her room... and I see her still asleep with her kitty cat blanket the had a cat that was holding a heart saying your cute... After I was done checking up my baby girl I went to have a nape because I was tired...

( I hope you like this chapter)

Garrence x Daughter Marissa *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now