Chapter 1: The Being

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((yeah I got into Uta No Prince Sama and the on the top picture well I tell you about her later at the end.


Third POV

AINE KISARAGI WAKE UP! Said his mother down stairs from the kitchen. He woke rubbing his eyes and spot a head of cyan blue little figure next to him. He pull the cover away from the small body to revealing his little brother Ai Kisaragi. Aine smile Ai trying to wake him up. But end up failing and Ai just pull the cover on himself again.  Aine just got up dress himself.

"Come on Ai mom want us down stairs." As Aine got dress into Satotome Academy Uniform " 5 more minutes." Said Ai response still half a sleep."No minutes,  get up Ai." Pulling off the cover off Ai again.

"Will you two get down stairs and eat before going to school !" As there mother yell from the kitchen. Making Ai fine getting up from the bed still tire.

Before they went down stairs Ai got dress up to go school and Aine help his little brother out with his hair. Aine sometime would why Ai like his hair half up potialil. But that dose matter if Ai like it fine by him.

"Hey Ai did you have another nightmare?" Aine question his little brother why he sneak into his bed again and waiting for his answer. "Can you please tell me what happen in your nightmare, maybe I can help you what cause your nightmare?" Ai was to say something but end up yelling at him to leave it alone. " Maybe I'll try again after school." as Aine got done with his brother hair they went down stairs.

"You two took your sweet time getting down here." Said there mother with a death glare at the young boys. "Your guys food is getting cold now hurry up and eat before your guys are late for school.

"Hey, Aine something came up in my work so can you do me a favor? His mother looking at Aine wait for respond out of him.

"umm, What is it mom? looking back at his mother with food in mouth.

"My boss call me for a late business trip in the last minute so can please take your Ai to school for me today." She said please with her older son.

"I think Ai is old enough to go to school by himself now." looking at Ai see if he agree as well. But shook his head no.

The door bell ring and Aine mother went to get it.  " Oh Reiji, How are how you today? she said pulling in the house. "Good miss Kisaragi." A voice said from the door way.  In come a young guy into the kitchen. He has curl like hair that was short length that was dark/light drown hair color with gray color eyes.  He was short then Aine and also was friends of Aine for less then a year but seen that there where friends since there where little kids.

"Oh Reiji, can you confidence Aine to take Ai to school today please.~"  she try to get Reiji to go along with it.

"Oh come Aine it's just this once there no harm in it." Said Reiji making Aine having no choice but to it. " Just this once." Aine said with bit of annoyed in this voice.

"By the way where is Ai-Ai now." Reiji looking at Aine.

The Aine looking at chair next to him and there was empty seat there where Ai was supposed to be.

"Hope he not where I think he is ." Aine said getting worry and dashing out of the kitchen to checking around the house.

"What dose that mean?" Reiji Said trying to get answer out of Aine before getting out of the kitchen. "Hey, Aine! Aine!" getting ignored and now waiting for Aine getting out of the up stairs rooms.

"Reiji, can you also do me a big favor? Aine and Ai mother said to the young guy."Can you take care my sons. My sons can be rash so I want someone to look after when I can't." she had a sad look on her face.

"wait, what did you say...........?! "Reiji looking at her but before he can say anything else Aine came down stairs and pull Reiji out the door without saying goodbye to his mother. His mother yelling " Have a good day guys!" Aine respond back" I know mom, bye~!" Aine not looking back.


Ai Pov

I ran to the far to ally that I know and hide there not know if some going to fine me. I start to cry for unknown reason.

"Stupid Aine, What the point of having big brother sometime." I said whisper and with tears running down my face.

I hear some guys coming my way I try to stop crying but no in vale. One of the notice me and had a big grin on his face. " So what do we have here a little girl." he grant head pulling him next him. I want to yell and cry but not came out my mouth. I was just terrified of my live. please some one safe me. close my eyes hoping someone could come. He start pull my shirt up but I try to get kick him to get him off me. He was about punch my face to get out cold unit Reiji out of nowhere punch him make him releasing me and into Aine arms.

"Are you ok, Ai"said Aine with a worry look on his face. I nod starting crying into his arms. He hug me saying thing going be ok.

I hear someone getting punch. Then Aine and me look up to see that was Reiji that got punch and was on the floor. The same guy also got close to Aine and me. I thought I was going to die again. Unit Reiji got up punch him again and it's was now a full on fight.

"Aine, Ai get out get of here while you still can." He said still looking at the guy and at same time us.

"But, What about you?" Aine had more of worry in his voice then before.

"Don't worry about me. Just get out of here. I'll text you when I get out. ok" He said about to punch the day light out the guy head.

Aine didn't take any change and got Ai and start running out of the ally. As I was care I saw what happen next. It was Reiji against 3 more guys.  4 guys against 1 Reiji going to get himself kill. But there was no way Aine will let me go of me. Aine ran as far way from the ally unit his legs give out. Aine sat next to a wall catching his breath. When he was able to breathe normal again. He sit next to me and hug me.

"Ai, really Ok they did hurt any where else?" Aine Still question if I was fine. I reassure that I was fine. I'm pretty sure that it was good 15 minutes before Aine phone when off beeping. Aine looked down to his phone and smile on his face.

"Reiji that idiot." Aine reassure to me that Reiji was ok. He text on his phone some I could see. "Any I'm take you to school it that ok Ai." I reassure that was ok. We start to walk to my school hand and hand unit we saw the gate say my good bye and to see after school.

((So how was the first chapter. Oh if not figure who the girl is that Ai and Aine mother.
The first few chapters are going be about Aine and Reiji since Ai still young and want to develop Aine character there no canon characteristics about him since game goes little about his past before you know what might happen to Aine if  you play the game.😑
Ok the all for chapter see you in the next one.))

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