Chapter 5

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Alright heres the next chapter in thus installment.


In a previous authors note Alley was Very Very sick and she couldnt write, being absent from school for over a week she priority was to get caught up in school.

She finished the chapter but it was MY fault for not posting. I tweak and edit each chapter to make it flow when read.

I recently have gotten a job along with school and its a handleful.. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.




"Alan, I’m not saying that I hate cats. I’m just saying that I’m allergic to them, so I don’t want to buy one.”

Alan shakes his head like a disappointed mother, “I can’t believe that I’m friends with you. You fucking cat hater.”

It’s useless to argue with Alan about cats. He’s completely obsessed; it’s borderline a problem. I honestly don’t even know how this started.

One minute we’re avoiding Austin in the quad, and the next, Alan is interrogating me about my feelings towards owning a cat.

“Look, obviously this conversation is going nowh-” I stopped talking when I see Oli hightailing it across the grass towards us.

He looks nervous. No, he looks angry, pissed.

He’s a few feet away when I speak up, “Hey, what happened? You kind of disappeared this morning.” He brushed past me without looking up and muttering, “Fuck off faggot.”


All I can do is stare at him, open with my mouth slightly ajar..until his figure disappears into our dorm building.

Tears spring to my eyes," Kellin?" Alan nudges me.

“Kellin? What’s wrong?” Shaking my head, I begin to walk towards the dorm.

I cannot cry out here. I kept my head down biting my lip hard and walked faster.

“Kellin where are- Jordan?” Distantly, I'm aware of Jordan's thick accent, but I need to get inside my room.


Memories, that I don't want, begin to surface. How angry my dad was when he found out.


Oli hadn't struck me as homophobic, but I guess it just never came up.

On the way up the stairs, I’m so out of it that I almost fell several times. I couldn't let anyone see me so.. Weak. My head was down the whole time, which is probably how I didn't see Austin.

I don't notice him until our bodies collide and his arms are around me to keep us from falling.

He stumbled back a little and tightened his grip around me.

“Woah, Kellin. What's wrong?” I shake my head, trying to find my voice.


I could feel my lip quivering

Nothing is wrong.

I felt the tears escape from my tightly shut eyes.

Nothing that you can help me with at least.

I finally snapped them open and looked up at him.

But the words won’t come.

“Hey hey hey, talk to me.” He puts his hands on my shoulders and holds me an arm’s length away.

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