Chp 22

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I was now at Mariah's house laying in bed just thinking about the terrible mistake I made, I'm just like my crack head mother😒


I hated seeing Karla so down and sad so Toni and I decided to get her out of the house. We was going to the park with Dice, Brandon, and Kamar.

I know we are her friends and we keep keep each other secrets, but I decided to tell Kamar what happened and why Karla was acting the way that she was, he was really sad at what happened and wanted to support her and let her know that she isn't in this alone.

"Karla", I said as I knocked on the door

"You can come in", she said sadly

"Listen Karla, I know you've been feeling down but I want u to get out of the house. We all make mistakes but we can't sit and spend our whole lives worrying and thinking about the mistakes we've made, we just have to learn and move on. I want you to come to the park to get out of the house and get some fresh air".


I really didn't want to go to the park with Mariah, all I wanted to do was think about my baby boy that was in the dream I had and how I killed him, I deserved every bit of pain I was feeling.
But I decided to go anyway.


I got up and got dressed, if that's what you call it. I had on sweatpants and a jacket, I really didn't about what I wore


I was in the car with Dice, Brandon, and Kamar headed to pick up Mariah and Karla to go to the park

"I hope she's feeling better", Kamar said

"Yea me too. I won't even know what to do if I was in her shoes, no family and all", I said looking out of the window

Then I felt Dice hand on my thigh, I knew what he was trying to say. He was tellin me no matter what happens he would always be there for me and I don't hav to worry about being alone. I love this Nigga with all my heart no matter how stubborn, irritating, jealous, or annoying he is, he will always be my baby.


I can't wait to see Mariah, she's been on my mind for a while. I feel sorry for ha friend tho, I mean getting raped by her stepdad. I never heard of nothing like that. I can't even relate to how she could be feeling, but my man Kamar here to let his woman know he got ha back.

We pulled up to Mariah's house she walked out, she looked amazing even tho she had on a simple outfit.  Lol Yo I could feel my heart pounding out my chest, Tf this girl done did to me

I decided to get out the car and open the door for ha, don't nobody know bout Wat we did at Dice house Btw.


I kind of felt nervous that Brandon would be with us, I still felt insecure about my body and I was worried that he would take a second look at me and would decided that I'm not what he wants Bc of all my fat

I sucked my stomach as tight as I could when Karla and I walked towards the car. I was surprised when he opened the door for us, I lowkey could feel his eyes glued to my ass while I was gettin in

"Hey Girl, hey guys", I said trying to calm my nerves with Branson Sittin close under me

"HEEYYY girllieess", Toni said excitedly turning around smiling at me and Karla
"Y'all ready for this family park event" she said jokingly

I could feel that Karla was still down and sad and I want that to be changed by the end of the day

Once we arrived to the Park we all got out the car and found us an area

"Me and Dice gone get all the things and food out the car", Toni called to us

"MANNNNNNN, Ian got time for dat. Why I volunteered me anyway"

"Dice shut da hell up and help me get this food out da car"

Those two are crazy, I can just see them in the future with a baby arguing all da time and havin make up Sex, hell they'll have any type of sex with they freak ahh.


I wanted to have some alone time with Karla so I asked if she could have a walk with me

"Karla, can u walk with me"


She had on sweatpants and an jacket, she still loves beautiful to me
We finally found a seat to sit in in front of the lack watching the ducks swim

"I just wanted to see how u was doing"

"I'm ok", I could tell that she wasn't because when she said that her head went down
I lifted her chin up with my index finger and looked into her eyes. I could see all her sadness and depression, she's too beautiful to be feeling like this.

"I know what happened"

She looked at me in disbelief, like she couldn't believe that I knew. Then Seen her eyes watering and her head flew down in embarrassment

"I'm sorry that that happened to you, no one deserves that and who ever he is he can never harm you ever again, I wanna protect you Karla, I got feelings for you. And I don't care about you havin a baby, it want your fault so you shouldn't feel embarrassed. No matter what happens it won't change my feelings towards you"

She now has her head in her hands crying her eyes out. I could hear her pain
I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her, she needed to be held, she needed to get everything off her shoulder


She was screaming and crying at the same times, I couldn't help but cry with her. I still had her on my arms tight

"It wasn't your fault, you didn't know what's to do Karla. You can't beat yourself up about this, your young, we all make mistakes but we learn from them in da end" I said crying with her

She just dug her face deeper in my chest crying her eyes out

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