When he Meets/Rescues you:Raphael

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It was the first day of summer break which means,you could sleep all day long,stay awake all night,play videogames,go to the gym,pool,beach,parties and more!But guess what?You didn't really like hanging out with a ton of people..You loved to be alone and just go to coffee shops or walk the streets of new york.It was around 8:00 p.m when you started getting ready to go to the gym.You liked going at night because 1-There was more available equipment to use and 2-There werent so much jerks who tried showing off their "Muscles".You grabbed some black tights and a Nike Shirt along with a jacket and your Nike shoes.You tied your (Hair color) Hair onto a ponytail then packed brush,extra clothes,pepper spray and a water bottle onto your backpack.Being only 15 years old was dangerous but,your pepper spray has saved your life so much.Anyways,you headed out the door(You lived by yourself in a apartment..I kno i know only 15 years old but hey girls need their space right?) and started heading to the gym that was a few blocks away from your house.You always carried your ID just incase you got locked out.

Once you arrived at the gym you set your bag down and started on the treadmill,like always.The gym was empty,except for you and a guy on the cashier.Pretty calm.Everything alright.After doing about 20 minutes of running,you stretched for a bit and drank some water.

"Excuse me sir,what time do you guys close the gym?"

"At 9:15"

"Thank you."

You looked at your phone and it showed 8:57 p.m

"Just some push ups,pulls ups then ill call it a night."
So you did the push ups and the pulls ups and right before you finished a group of guys entered the gym with a gun and aimed it at the cashier.

"Give me the money and ill let you go!"

They hadn't  noticed you were there so you tried to sneak by past them,unluckily one of them saw you and pushed you back at the equipment then kicked you,which made you hit your back on a steel point.

"Gah!!!!"you screamed in pain

"Give me the bag!" One of the guys that was tattoed all over said.

"Ouch..Okay okay!"

You quickly reache into your bag and took out the pepper spray..Then you sprayed him in the eyes and tried to get up.


They had shot the cashier.

"AHHHH!!!"you yelled

The guy that had killed the cashier pointed at you.

"Scream or yell one more time and i will -"

The lights went off and the shot of the gun went off,the bullet hitting you right on your chest,luckily not on the side of your heart.
You heard smackingn and punching all over.But everything was dark.You were loosing too much blood and consciousness..

"Hey you alright?" Said a deep voice

"N...No..I g-got shot..O-on my che-est..Please..H-help.." And you fainted

"Don't give up (Your name).."

~Next morning~

The next morning you awoke in your apartment in your couch.You heard a few faint voices but you thought you were just imagining them.

"Oh god..What time is it?"

You got up but everything hurt.You couldn't breathe normal.

"Uff okay..What happened last night?"

"All i felt was a huge pain in my chest and a voice speaking to me..."you thought

Finally,you got up and when you turned around was a 6'5 person standing at the end of the hallway covered in a trench coat,fedora,scarf and glasses.

You started breathing heavy and you took a step back.


"Shit where is my pepper spray?!!"you thought

"I wont hurt you (your name).."


He got closer then tossed your ID that had your apartment number and your name.


"My name is Raphael Hamato but my friends call me Raph."


"I saved you last night dumdum."

"You?!You are the one who punched the guys at the gym?"

"Yea im the guy."

"Oh well umm..Thanks?"

"Dont mention it."

"So what now?"

"I need to go.."

"wait Raph!"you said and he stopped in his tracks.


"Can you just do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Please i need to see the person who saved me.."

He sighed.

"(Y/N),you see im not a regular person.Im not even a human."

"Wait what?"

"Im a mutant (Y/n)" he said as he took off the glasses,coat,scarf and hat.

You stared at him in curiousity.He WAS A FREAKING TURTLE.6'5,Very buff,dark green with a red bandana and he had these gorgeous light green eyes.He also had a scar that ran across his lip and he had a soft smirk.

"Go.Insult me.Go crazy.Panic.Call the cops,wait actually don't do that."

You just stared and stared with your jaw wide open.

"Hey take a picture it will last longer.Wait,dont do that either..Listen i have to -"

"You are woah..Just wow.How are you even..Oh my gosh.Everythings rushig through my head like i dont even know."

"Okay ill explain..My brothers and i were a scientific experimentation..Our scientist was creating a mutagen that was going to transform us well into this," he said and signaled his hands all over his body,"One night a fire happened and we escaped..The mutagen that was injected to us had crashed onto the floor,splashing us with it..We ran to the sewers with our sensei,who is a rat yes i know,and he raised us.We saw how humans interacted with each other and we learned..Sensei taught us kung fu as children and so now...We are this.."

You still stared at him

"Gah!You wont understand and you probably think im crazy and this is just
A dream."

You reached a hand and he flinched but then you touhed his hands and it sort of calmed him..He looked at you as you traced every single scale on his hand..You were just so amazed at him and he was amazed at you.No human has ever touched him,other than Mr.O'neil.

Then you stared into his eyes and he stared into yours.

"(Your name).."


He suddenly snapped out of it and pulled away,leaving your hands on the carpet..

"I have to go (your name)..I left my number and the directions to the lair if you ever erm need me or just want to hang..Ill see you around."and with that he jumped out the window and ran to the nearest manhole

"See you too Raphie.."

YAS I UPDATED 2 times today bishes!Woohoo!!Anyways feedback on this scenario lovelies! I love you all!❤️

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