Up in the sky
Somewhere far away
Live the monstersThe monsters
Look at things differently
They care about themselves onlyThey are selfish
They are cruel
They are horribleBut they don't care
That's what they are
That's who they areThese monsters
They call themselves
HumansThey do not live up to this title
They call themselves human
But they do not act humane at allThey lie
They cheat
They stealThey hate
They scream
They fightThis is how they live
This is how they survive
These humansThe thing is
In the end
They are all just monstersLooking for something
To hold onto
But they'll never have thatMonsters
Just monsters.(e.a.)

Words of Wisdom.
AléatoireA collection of thoughts, poems, and short stories about my life, and also random things that I think about a lot.