Pain & Jealousy Ch 5

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A/N I don't own NDSSG . there will be one  more chapter to the story sorry for grammar mistakes please read,review,comment,vote thanks :) Eyes of the Devil is by Seether 

 there will be one  more chapter to the story sorry for grammar mistakes please read,review,comment,vote thanks :) Eyes of the Devil is by Seether 

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Suzie was more concerned the longer she spent with Ned the more Moze was upset and hurt . Moze skipped the next few days she didn't want to be at school when Ned and Suzie are always sucking face in the Hallway. " Hey where is Jennifer Ned this isn't like her to miss school like this she loves to be at school. " Suzie looked at him as they were walking down the hall holding hands 

Moze felt guilty sure Ned and Suzie were her best friends but she also wanted them to be happy

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Moze felt guilty sure Ned and Suzie were her best friends but she also wanted them to be happy . "Hey Ned and Suzie  how's it going " Cookie  asked when he walked up to his locker " hey cookie have you seen Moze this morning ?" 

"Nope not since Thursday I think she is still avoiding you but that is just my guess let me call her" as cookie grabbed his cell phone and called Moze 

"Hello " Moze answered on the other line as Cookie had his cellphone on speaker phone " Moze where are you how come you aren't at school?" cookie asked as Ned and Suzie listened to Moze on the phone . 

"Oh you know something wrong with my mom and I had to help her out , but I will be at school tomorrow " Moze lied not wanting Ned to figure out the real reason she is skipping school, and  she tried to cover up her lie before Ned figured it out . 

"Oh.. Okay I hope she gets better, and tell her I said Hi " Ned said goodbye to Moze and walked Suzie to her first period class.

"Hi Simon something wrong you seem to have a lot on your mind this morning " Lisa  walked up to Cookie and saw him staring off into space. 

"Is this about Moze liking Ned ? " Lisa asked curiously. "How do you know about that " cookie asked a little puzzled on how everybody is finding out Moze's deep secret. 

"Moze came to me one day and was crying about her feelings for Ned and it all just sort of fell into place " Lisa pat him on the shoulder and walked away . 

"Lisa wait up , who else knows about Moze's crush on Ned " Cookie stood there and waited for her explanation on Moze's crush. 

"Oh she has been going around the school asking for advice from everyone on how to break up Ned and Suzie . 

Just before Cookie was about to speak Loomer came up and gave his opinion on Ned dating Suzie.

"I personally am glad that Ned is dating Suzie because that means Jennifer will be heartbroken and come running up to me for comfort and we will fall in love and grab a slice of pizza after school " Loomer said looking up at the ceiling while doing his evil laugh with Buzz and Croney.  

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