By the Light of the Night

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Late November, 1977

Mariah lay awake in bed far into the night, unable to sleep. They'd cleaned the room as best they could, Mariah tossing all of her books and clothes back into her trunk, but the feeling was still there -- insecurity. She sat up, looking around for a moment, and with a sigh got out of bed.

"Mariah, where are you going?" Mariah looked around to see Lily sitting up as well. She pulled on her school robe over her pajamas.

"I can't sleep," she said. "I was going down..."

"Hang on, I'll come with you," said Lily, pulling on her robe and fetching her slippers as well. The two of them descended into the common room, where the only light came from the fireplaces, and even that was dim. Lily shivered. "Weird, isn't it... knowing someone's been in your stuff..."

"Weird," agreed Mariah. As they passed a couch, a loud snore made both of them jump. Sirius lay sprawled across a couch, one arm hanging off the armrest, the other dragging the floor on the side."Oh no, I forgot he was sleeping in here..." said Mariah, biting her lip. Lily cocked her head to the side, looking at him.

"He's completely out, don't worry about it," she said. "Come on."

The two of them pulled up armchairs closer to the glowing embers of the fire and sat in silence, staring into it. Mariah looked at Lily after a moment. Lily looked back, smiling.

"I feel like I haven't seen you all year," she said.

"Yeah... you and James have been together most of the time," said Mariah, pulling up her legs and crossing them.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I understand."

"How is Kurt? I've never heard you really talk about him much," said Lily. Mariah looked up.

"Oh he's wonderful," she said, smiling softly. "He really is. He makes me laugh a lot."

"He really seems nice," agreed Lily. She leaned in. "Have you..." Mariah nodded.

"Last night."

"No! That's where you ran off to?"

"Yeah." Mariah was grinning despite herself. "I really like him..."

Sirius snored loudly and they looked around for a moment, but turned back when they saw he'd returned to peaceful breathing.

"So this isn't like what you had for Sirius all that time?" asked Lily. Mariah shook her head.

"No, no, Sirius was just a crush."

"So you're completely over him now," said Lily, looking at her. Mariah paused for a moment, looking into the fireplace pensively.

"Yeah, I really think I am," she said finally. "In any case, I can't like him the same way again. Not with all the things he's said and done since I said I was interested in somebody else..."

"Mariah, you know... he liked you, too..." said Lily after a moment's silence.

"Yeah, I know," said Mariah, sighing. "But he's just... too stubborn. I mean he never tried to make a move."

"He did ask you to Slughorn's party," pointed out Lily.

"Yes, but he was too late," said Mariah. "He waited until someone else liked me, and that was the sort of 'okay' to him that I was up for grabs, I suppose."

"Come on, Mariah, that's not--"

"He doesn't hesitate with all those other girls," said Mariah. "They're all more... open, and he just flits through them like it's nothing."

"So why are you upset, when he actually approached you with decency?" Lily raised an eyebrow at Mariah, who frowned. Lily went on. "He doesn't mean to treat you like this. He's just frustrated that you've chosen a Slytherin you barely know over him."

"Yeah, I've heard that," said Mariah. "Emilie's going to have a rough time."

"Emilie doesn't have to see Sirius as much as you've had to. She might have to put up with her friends in her own House, but it's Geoff I'd be more worried about," said Lily. "I really am sorry for the way he's treated you. But you know how proud he is..."

"Oh... I dunno, Lily." Mariah ran a hand through her hair, leaning back with a sigh of exasperation. "It's a great big mess, isn't it? If I choose Sirius over Kurt, he would just treat me like Gwenog, like a prop, and be a prick. But if I stay with Kurt, I'll be basically forced out of Gryffindor like I have been. Do you know, James won't even defend me anymore. He sides with Sirius on everything."

"You can't expect friends like them to break up because of a girl," said Lily. "It's not in their nature. I've talked to James, and we both think Sirius is being unreasonable, but he'll stay with Sirius. I don't think he likes how secretive you're being about it either, like you're double-dealing."

"I don't have much of a choice, do I? I'm being made the enemy no matter how hard I try to defend myself. You don't think I'm double-dealing, do you?"

"No, I don't," said Lily looking at Mariah. "I've known you long enough to know that you wouldn't allow yourself to be seduced by someone you just met. And with the way you've been resisting Sirius all this time, I can't see why no one else believes that, too. Besides... Kurt sounds like a decent guy." She paused. "Has he told you that he fought with Sirius the other day?"

"No," said Mariah. "I heard it from Remus a few days ago. He said he melted Sirius's face off."

"Kurt hasn't said anything?"

"Not a word."

Lily regarded Mariah's face with concern. "What's the matter?"

"I didn't want him to know." said Mariah. "I didn't want them fighting."

"If you ask me..." said Lily testily, "I think he really cares about you a lot."

"Yeah... he does..."

"Sirius, too. He worries..."

"Yeah..." Mariah stared into the fire, lost in thought. Lily slowly got up.

"I think I'm going to go back."

"Right. I'm going to stay here a bit longer, I think," said Mariah, looking at her. The girl nodded, walking back to the dormitories and climbing the staircase. After a long time, Mariah stood up, walking silently to the couch where Sirius lay sleeping. She stared down at him for a moment, then leaned down close and rested her lips lightly against the corner of his mouth, kissing him softly. She straightened, still watching him, and turned suddenly, walking back to the dorms after Lily.

It was a long time before she got back to sleep. Back in the common room, another restless soul lay awake staring into the dark.

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