In Which My Story Begins

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  So there I was, sitting all alone at a fancy-shmancy restaurant, waiting for my so-called date, JR, who was already 15 minutes late. I was sipping some Merlot (I don't know how much it costs, but there's no way I was gonna pay for it,) when my phone went off. It was text from JR. It read, "Hey, Y/N, sorry I can't make it. My car broke down."
  More annoyed than anything, I answered, "Just like last time? Honestly, I can't believe you sometimes. Don't bother trying to make it up to me; tonight made it five dates in a row that you've missed. We're done."
  I waited about nine minutes for his wordy apology, begging me to forgive him, but all I got was sick and tired of him. I called the waiter and ordered a beer, my voice clearly shaky, and I couldn't believe my luck. Some jerks ordered the last dozen! I was so done right then. I asked for a tab, since JR was paying for HIS date, and got a taxi home.
  On the way there, I remembered that I needed groceries, since my sloth of a roommate, Alex, clearly wasn't planning on getting off the couch. I decided that I'd only get the essentials: eggs, milk, cereal, assorted veggies, and steak.
  "You know what?" I muttered to myself, "You deserve to indulge every now and then."
  So I bought two steaks.
  In line for the self-checkout, I literally ran into a complete stranger. Luckily, I didn't drop my eggs, but the stranger did drop the majority of whatever was in his/her basket.
  "Oh my dear God, I'm so sorry!" I blurted out, "Are you OK?"
  "Yeah," the stranger told me, "no harm, no foul."
  Just as the stranger was saying that, I got my first good look at this stranger. They were gorgeous! His/her eyes looked like an emerald meadow, but at the same time, a sapphire sea. He/she had a long face with a slender nose that bridged those beautifully confusing eyes just slightly closer together than usual. The stranger was tall, probably around 5"8', and was very thin, but still healthy looking. I knew I just had to get to know this person's name.
  "Still," I started, "I'm sorry. By the way, my name is Y/N, just in case you were wondering."
  "Hi, Y/N," the stranger replied, "my name is Sam."
  "Samuel, or Samantha?" I asked.
  "Yes" was Sam's only response to that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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